
When you are reading this, I will be either on my way, or down with Mandy and Savannah Rose. Oh yeah, there is something about being a Grandma that makes you long for a visit when you can snuggle the baby, and even change a diaper or two! Or just look at her perfect little face!


It’s funny, but I used to hear people talk about being a Grandma, and this overwhelming love for their grand-kids, and I never truly knew what it was like. Then their was Savannah Rose. l remember when Mandy was pregnant and I realized I already loved that baby inside her, and then I saw this perfect baby and my heart melted and I was hers!


How does this happen? How does seeing your grandchild born and grown alter your life like nothing else ever could?

I’m not sure, but I think that God must have a hand in it. For nothing this pure and this good could come from any place else!

More pictures tomorrow!

5 thoughts on “***LOVE***”

  1. Have fun! I can’t wait to see more pictures of that little doll! Love her and love YOU, Mel

  2. I hope it will be like that for me too. Because right now, I’m like you were…..
    Have fun visiting with that adorable baby!

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