What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


This past Saturday was my birthday, so all weekend was spent either preparing for the event, enjoying the event, and then cleaning up after the event! And every single second, of every minute, of every hour, was absolutely splendid!

I spent the day on Friday doing all sorts of prep work. Baking my cake and pre-frosting it, I baked a Carrot Casserole , and set about getting the dishware, silverware and punch bowl out and ready.

On Saturday I went about like a crazy person touching up the house one last time, and then I jumped into the shower and made it out a mere 10 minutes before my guests arrived.

I had a blast! I did not sit around like a grand Queen. That is just not my style. I served people, and made sure they had drinks, did introductions and stood back and smiled an awful lot of the time! There we all were, my daughter and my granddaughter, my cousin Janet and Dave, and my closest friends! Mandy and Matt gifted me with a wonderful collage of Savannah and me and Mandy! Wonderful! Janet and Dave made the most delicious Seafood Lasagna in a bechemel sauce! Here is a little collage from my day yesterday!

54th Birthday

The Seafood Lasagna was to die for! In fact I just finished the last piece, and it was even better the next day! I got flowers and Prosecco. Friends brought appetizers and yummies and I think I smiled all day long! The work involved, didn’t seem like work at all.

Lastly, I got a special card made for me by Dave.


Dave is not only a talented cook, but he is a gifted artist as well! Thank you so much for all you did yesterday to make my day so happy, and for all you do each and every day to bring joy and sunshine into my cousin’s life!

Sunday I got up, and went to the kitchen to turn on the coffee. Then I got my coat on, my gloves and my hat. But oddly, I did not hear the coffee maker whooshing and gurgling. Hmmmm! I went over and I thought I’d forgotten to turn it on. I flipped the switch, and NOTHING!!! I flipped it again! Nothing! Shoot! So I got out the old, smaller pot, that Hubby had in his commuter apartment in New York some 15 years ago, out and fixed the coffee in that. Once I got that going, I walked the dogs!

Now I knew that we would need another pot. A big twelve cup pot, because both Hubby and I are big coffee drinkers. I checked out the prices at the department stores locally and bristled when I saw they wanted close to $90.00 for our coffee make! Then I looked into Amazon.com and found our coffee pot. There it was for $69.00 no shipping!

Now I will tell you that I am an Amazon Prime member. for $79.00 a year I get free shipping on my purchases. However, I also get free videos, both old TV shows and movies. For us, it is a great benefit. I would recommend it for anyone who likes to save money!

I have not been paid for this totally unsolicited opinion of Amazon.com.

Well, once the coffee finally got brewed and I had ordered the new coffee maker, which should be here by Wednesday, I set about doing the last dishes and once Hubby and I finished breakfast, we treated Greta’s leg once again and wrapped it up.

Two days ago we noticed that she had an infected cut on her leg. How she did this we do not know, but the cut is about an inch long. We have been cleaning it twice a day with peroxide and triple antibiotic ointment. Then we wrap it up. Thankfully, she leaves it alone!

Sunday mid-day I got out two of the party plates. I filled one with cake and cookies from the party. The other I filled with meat and cheese and carrot casserole. And I tucked in some nice rolls too. Then off I went to see our neighbor, Frank. Frank will be 95 on December 7th. He served in the military during WW II and was a Prisoner of War. He is such a good man!  Now he is shut-in most of the time and I just wanted to share my happiness with him. All I can say is…I am so glad I did!

Sometimes the best parts of our lives are the parts we share with others.

Happy Monday!!!

5 thoughts on “What I Did This Past Weekend”

  1. You are such a wonderful, giving person. I am sure that is the source of your job – thinking of others! 🙂
    I’m so glad you enjoyed your birthday!! God bless!!

  2. I just read all your posts, so your birthday celebration was a full success ! Savannah has such a cute big smile ! I discribed Toby’s birthday party also today. I couldn’t post or comment when I was in Amsterdam, my battery loader broke down and he has an Apple laptop, greek to me !

  3. It’s so funny…when we got there, Dave sees all the cars and he’s like…who’s all here??? I said…hmmm…I don’t know! I’d TOTALLY forgotten about everyone else, what a MAROON I am! LMAO! I mean, I knew Mandy would be there, but forgot the others.

    Love what you said about Dave <3

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