Good News

I finally got in to see the Cardiologist. What a nice man he is! I have been diagnosed with having PVC’s. This is extra, abnormal heartbeats that begin in one of your heart’s two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a flip-flop or skipped beat in your chest. Premature ventricular contractions are very common – they occur in most people at some point. Many of them occur when you lie down at night. You feel your heart having this extra beat, and then a momentary skip until the heart starts again.

It is a harmless, benign, condition. Aside from this condition, I’m a very healthy 54 year old woman. I was so happy to be given such a happy report.

So this is the final verdict, and I am so relieved!

4 thoughts on “Good News”

  1. Now PVC means that you have a plastic heard ?? I really doubt it ! I am happy that you are in good health ! Let your heart beat quicker or slower for your loved once !

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