Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. My real life friends came through with another question this week so thank you real life friends. When you’ve eaten in a restaurant do you complete their comment card? Do you take online surveys highlighted at the bottom of store receipts?

I do. I was even offered free juice, or coffee, or a free appetizer, when I answer restaurant comment cards. These people really want to keep you coming back, as times are tough and many people are not going out to eat right now, or if they do it is to a fast food place.

2. The (US) ban on women in combat was lifted at the end of January. It will probably be next year before specifics are worked out, but its been reported over 200,000 front line positions will eventually open up to women. Your thoughts?

This is a very tough question. I hope the women will be well vetted before they are allowed in the field. I would worry about their overall strength. Also I freely admit, I am such a girly girl, I would be in a corner crying and afraid in the combat battlefield.

3. In looking back at all the blog posts you’ve written, what’s your favorite post title?

Welcome Sweet Savannah Rose!
June 02 12 009

4. What’s worse-overly permissive parents or overly protective parents? Did your own parents lean more to the permissive or the protective category? If you’re a parent where do you fall?

I think overly permissive parents are worse. Their kids never learn limits. I was pretty strict with my girls. I guess I had expectations that they behave in public places, and treat other people with respect. I also do not think I was over protective. The girls did so many things and I tried not to be a nervous nelly!

5. Candlelight-moonlight-firelight-bright lights in the big city…which one’s your favorite?

Firelight. I’ve been lucky that since Hubby and I have been married we have had a fireplace in our homes. I hope it will always be this way.

6. Dr. Seuss’s birthday was celebrated on Saturday. What’s a favorite book you remember (Seuss or otherwise) from your own childhood?

Make way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey was my favorite book. My grandparents lived in Boston and I often walked down at Boston Public Gardens.

Did books play an important role in your growing up years? Explain.

Yes. I’ve always loved to read! I also loved to make up little storybooks. When my cousin had a little girl, I made up coloring books with little stories in them.

7. To quote Dr. Seuss…

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”
from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Share something funny you’ve recently read, seen or heard.

That question is a bit hard. It has been a rough few days.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Wednesday I am off to meet my Dermatologist Cancer Surgeon. He will explain what I will need done and tell me if he thinks I will need reconstructive surgery. Hopefully, I won’t. More than anything, I just want the surgery over with so I can get on with my life.

6 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough week. Hope your appt. with the surgeon goes well. I know you’ll be relieved to get this chapter behind you.

  2. So sorry about your difficulties with health and loss. I read your previous post and feel so sad for you. I have some friends that I love like you loved Margarita. It would change my life to lose them. Hugs …and prayers that you are comforted deeply today.

  3. That is an especially sweet special post title : )

    I hope all went well today and you have a plan, which I think helps make us less anxious. I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs to you today!

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