Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Describe a typical Sunday from your childhood.

We always went to church. Sometimes the children’s choir sung and then I would be in church, other Sundays I would start in church and then run down to the parish hall for Sunday School. After church there was always a Sunday Dinner. Sunday was always family day.

2. How comfortable are you with uncertainty? Explain.

Oh I hate it. I fret, worry, and it literally makes me ill. I like things cut and dried, and with no doubt in it.

3. What have you accomplished recently that might be described as crafty, as in ‘arts and crafts’ crafty? If crafty doesn’t work for you, how about handy? Or both?

I have been going through my three year old file pile! I’ve been organizing and cleaning and the office is slowly taking shape. I saw a great Christmas decoration at a local Christmas Fair, and now a friend of mine want to make them! Details to come!

4. Have you ever worked in a ‘food place’? What did you take away from the experience?

My home is my food place. I guess I’ve learned that disasters can happen along the way. Poor Hubby claims that he is my guinea pig!

5. Cold turkey, talk turkey, what a turkey…in recent days, which turkey phrase or idiom best applies to you and why? Click on the word turkey if you need to read more about the meaning behind each phrase.

How about find a turkey? I went into our grocery store the other day for a “few things”. That’s when a nice small turkey (10 pounds) jumped into my basked for 59 cents a pound!

6. If you could have any one guest join your Thanksgiving dinner table, who would it be?

Easy. My daughter Katie!

7. What is one thing you must accomplish today?

Nothing much. I need to have a quiet day on orders from my doctor. I need to allow my forehead to knit.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I want to congratulate Joyce on 150 Wednesday Hodgepodge questions. I love the Hodgepodge and look forward to it every week! Thanks Joyce!

2 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. Sometimes we’d go over to sing in Dad’s choir too! AND watch old movies in the afternoon after dinner. I loved Sundays! Love YOU, Mel

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