This & That

Good morning everyone. Last night I lay in bed, and I realized I had not written a post for Dackel Princess! I thought for a minute I should get up and write a post, but then, the bed was so warm and comfortable, and Anneliese and Greta were all snuggled in, and I decided that I could actually wait until morning to write.

Yesterday, in the middle of the afternoon, I stood in the middle of the family room and looked at Hubby and said…”I actually am feeling better!” I am both shocked and happy about this, after such a long siege of illness.

Today Hubby is off to the VA to get the results of all of his tests, and later today I have an important dental appointment. The dentist is going to replace a large filling, with a medicated one. Please say a little prayer. I have the worst teeth in the world, despite taking care of them in my adult years, and I am trying desperately to hold on to them

Each day brings us closer to our vacation! Yesterday I was speaking to Ben’s Mom about it. He is our house/dog sitter and she knows he will do a fine job. She is also just down the road if it all goes to he!! and he needs help, it’s nice to know his Mom is just down the road.

I am really looking forward to Christmas. We’ll be spending the afternoon with Mandy, Matt and Savannah! I can hardly wait! Talk about a little kid being excited! This old Oma is really both excited and happy!

One thought on “This & That”

  1. Old???? I don’t think so!! You will be on the floor playing with that baby girl and all of her Santa treasures. xx00

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