
I’m about to rant a little about the “New Olympics”, so if you aren’t interested, or like the new coverage, stop reading now and come back tomorrow.

I  have always LOVED to watch the Olympics. It never mattered if it was the summer of the winter Olympics, I just love the beauty, the competition and the splendor. I also loved it when our country would strive to be the best and our athletes would stand on top of the podium and we would hear the National Anthem of our country!

I always got choked up and tears would come to my eyes. I had such pride in those athletes and our country, and it meant something to me when our flag was raised.

So call me disappointed that the coverage here in America does not include the medal awards, or the playing of the National Anthems.

I watched two young people, Meryl Davis and Charlie White skate a truly beautiful, perfect routine and win a gold medal. But I did not get to see the awarding of that medal.

I am so disappointed.

NBC you stink! Your presentation has been one of the worst ever. I do have satellite, so I have been able to watch some events live, and that has been nice. But I can only watch what they chose to present.

Perhaps in four years they will figure out a way to do this more fairly. I would actually pay a small fee for an Olympic Package. Just so I can see what I would like to see.

Meanwhile I am stewing about the rotten coverage.

6 thoughts on “Rant”

  1. My husband and I don’t even bother to watch the Olympics any longer. In the years that NBC has covered it, we have been subjected to choppy coverage where they often cut away to a commercial or another event right when things are getting good. They commentators seem incapable of being quiet for even just a moment during any event – I’m sorry, but you don’t need to be speaking non-stop about every single little nuance of an event. Let us just watch and enjoy the event for what it is! And, they only show us what they want to show us. It’s just not the same as when I was a kid. Back then, watching the Olympics was a family thing. We’d gather at the tv with snacks and watch the coverage for hours. Sadly, NBC has simply ruined the Olympics for us.

  2. I totally agree. We watch a few minutes here and there, but not like we used to. I loved checking the listings and watching every little thing. They cannot shut up! Plus, there are other countries than just the US and there are other athletes besides the top 3 in each sport. Some day time coverage is a bit better though. Sad!

  3. I agree…they spent more time explaining Bob Costa’s eye infection than they gave to medal presentation. I’d like to see a different network get the coverage…NBC is not my favorite.

  4. Long time I haven’t been visiting you ! I never watch the winter Olympics, I am not interested at all in snow sports. I wait for spring and summer !

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