Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Are you blooming where you’re planted as we begin the month of May?

Hardly. We are nearly a full month behind. Yes, a very late spring. I can hardly wait to get to our real spring.

2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being no big deal, and 10 being full scale panic, rank your fear of spiders.

No big deal at all, so give me a one. I do, however, have a cousin and her dog that are terrified of spiders and bugs! Good thing they have me.

3. May is National Salad Month (who knew???)…besides lettuce, what are two must-have ingredients in your favorite salad?

Tomatoes and blue cheese. I also like chopped up bacon and this makes a great lettuce wedge salad.

4. I mentioned on my blog last week that my Daughter1 will be moving to Washington State after she is married. Of the following sites in the Northwest, which would you most like to see in person-Crater Lake (Oregon), Seattle (Washington), Vancouver (British Columbia), San Juan Islands (Washington), Mt. Rainer (Washington) Oregon Coast (Oregon), Mt. St. Helens (Washington), or Olympic National Park (Washington)

Lucky for me, I have seen most of these places. We even hiked on Mount Rainer. It was beautiful there.

5. This coming weekend marks the 140th running of the Kentucky Derby…when did you last race (literally or figuratively) to cross a finish line?

I think it was my last reconstructive surgery. It really felt like crossing the finish line for me.

6. What is something little you love?

My three little dackels!

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But most of all, my beautiful little granddaughter, Savannah Rose!


7. Would you say you are more of a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Elaborate.

Visual. I keep instruction booklets on everything. Pictures are my friend!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

In a month Savannah will be turning two! I cannot believe it. It’s gone by so fast. I can also not believe how much I love that baby girl! I am just crazy for her. The last time we got together I was waiting for her and when she arrived I stooped down and called her name and she ran full speed into my arms. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

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