Savannah Growing

There are times in my life, that I can think back to and the memory brings me a world of joy! Certaily the birth of my children, Mandy and Katie are at the top of my list.

I have to say that the birth of Mandy was probably more amazing and special than she knows. My mother, grandmother, and my ex-husband’s mother were all right outside the delivery room. My ex inside with me.

It was quite amazing that when Mandy took her first cry these three women heard it. Most especially, my Grandma Honey.

I remember a feeling, like no one had ever done this before. And it is amazing to me, how you fall, instantly and completly in love!


Isn’t it something when two people get together and make such a beautiful baby! I felt so blessed!

She was born five days before Christmas, at 9:15 in the morning. She weighed 8lbs and 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long. Such a miracle!

Then years later, Mandy presented me with a perfect little granddaughter, Savannah Rose.

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And now Savannah is two and it just keeps getting better!

Savannah on porch

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