Miss You, Mom

It’s been a year since our Mom passed. Every day I am thankful that she is no longer in pain.

March 2 063

Mom just loved all her great-grandchildren.

More than anything I am grateful for her parting gift to me.

You see, Mom and I are a lot alike. We both have wicked tempers and during my teen years we crossed swords more than once.


I often felt very much unloved. She was so much closer to my sister than she was to me. I was a mere accident. Or so I thought.

Then at her Memorial Service one of her friends (and I use that term losely!) said “When she told me that she was pregnant with you, I told her to get rid of it!” she hissed. “But she said no! She wanted you!”

All my life I wondered and suddenly here was my gift! Mom really did want me and she really did love me!

June 30 13 010

Mom’s last birthday June 28th 2013

I’m grateful that we knew she was dying. It gave us a chance to talk about what life would be like after her. We asked her how we would know she was with us. I thought she would say something like roses, beautiful roses. But no. She said she would be the beautiful butterfly that would fly around us.

I’ve missed her so much more that I thought I would. So many times I want to pick up the phone and call her, just to hear her voice.

Mom, MB and Mel

Miss you so much Mom!

One thought on “Miss You, Mom”

  1. Feeling the deep sadness of the day, but I also hold a deep Thanksgiving in my heart for all she was to us. Miss her so very, very much! Love YOU, Mel

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