Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It’s fall. Y’all. My favorite season of the year! What’s something you love to do this time of year that makes you feel it’s officially fall? And unrelated to that, do you ever say-‘y’all’?

I do say Y’all! LOL! I think the thing I do every year that makes me feel like it is officiaally fall is bake an apple pie. The smell, the taste! Oh my, apple pie!

2. When did you last have a falling out with someone? Has it been resolved?

Quite recently. And yes, I guess it is resolved, in that I do not with to pursue the situation further.

3. A song you love with the word ‘fall’ in it’s title?

4. What’s something you’ve recently let ‘fall by the wayside?’

Quite a bit actually. A new puppy tends to take up a lot of your time. A sick puppy, even more.

5. When did you last attend an event, read a book, watch a movie, try a new recipe, or visit a shop-town-tourist attraction that fell short of your expectations? In what way?

I was so excited to watch “Saving Mr. Banks” on HBO. It was all about the author who wrote Mary Poppins. The movie was okay, but when I looked up PL Travers I discovered she was actually quite an awful person who hurt many people in her life. I love Mary Poppins, but it’s too bad that her creator was such a crabby apple!

6. Describe a time you said or thought, ‘The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

So often when I see my granddaughter with her mother. Savannah is so much like Mandy. It’s quite wonderful!


7. Was today better than yesterday? Why or why not?

For me personally. Not really. Had a migraine. In the grand sceme of things, yes. I’m a grandmother and it doesn’t get any better than this!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I think that I will be making my first apple pie of the season. I love the way they smell and the way they taste. Mmmmmmm!

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