Throw Back Thursday

This was taken the first day of eighth grade. I vaguely remember that dress. The hair? Oh yeah, I wanted to be Karen Carpenter so bad! That is why you can see the long hair and heavy bangs!


I loved eighth grade. We were the oldest class in the school. Mostly, we had great teachers with the exception of just a couple.

My Dad taught at this school. So for the three years I was in the Intermediate school, I not only had Dad as my music teacher, but I also rode to school with him every day and he made my lunch. Two slices of white bread, spread with margarine, two slices of American cheese. An apple and money for a carton of milk. God bless Dad. He had no imagination for packing our lunches, but every day, when we came down to the breakfast he made, there was our bag lunch.

At one time, everyone in town had our Dad for their music teacher. His teaching of square dancing is still legendary!

3 thoughts on “Throw Back Thursday”

  1. That is beautiful that your Dad made your lunch! Not many fathers do that and then get to spend time with their kids!

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