
Where did the day go? I was doing laundry, feeding dogs, getting the mail (in the pouring rain!) and cooking trout for dinner. Then before I knew it, the day was over!

Last night, I opened the door to get Lili back in and all I could smell was SKUNK! My heart sank as I envisioned having to bathe my pup to rid her of skunk smell. But I am so thankful that apparently, Lili is faster than a skunk! She is smelling sweet, even if the outside air smells like Pepe LaPew!

Years ago I had a Great Dane, She got totally skunked. My Vet told me to use Massengill Douche Powder diluted in warm water and then wash her with a nice soap. Well, I trotted down to Rite Aid Pharmacy and was standing there looking at the Douche Powder, trying to figure out how much I would need. Great Danes are big!!! Just then the Pharmacist came up and asked if I needed help? “Why yes”, I replied, “I’m just trying to figure out how much douche powder I will need!” After he got over the shock of my statement and I explained, we figured a few boxes would do it. By the way, it was a really funny way to meet our town’s new Pharmacist!

We are just about a month away from our cruise trip! I am so excited. Our house sitters came by for dinner earlier in the week and everything is set for them to move in and live here while we are away. I’m glad. Lili is still so young and needs to be cared for.

One thought on “Time…”

  1. I recently worked as a pharmacy technician extern … and your story reminds me of the day a man came up to the register where I was and said, “I need to pick up my birth control.” (What he meant was he needed to pick up the refill for HIS WIFE’s birth control pills …). ๐Ÿ™‚ In the end he said, “Well, I guess it IS for the both of us!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

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