Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Elizabeth Lawrence is quoted as saying, ‘Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.” So have you done just that? And what did you leave undone in order to do so?

So far nothing. I even made a list day by day, of all that I need to do over the next month in order to get ready for our trip!

2. Since we’re talking turning…what’s one thing you feel you’re doing ‘every time you turn around’?

Walking a dog! LOL! It seems that after dinner I walk them all, and as soon as my fanny hits the chair, one of them decides they need to go out again! Wait! Actually this happens all day long!

3. How hard is it for you to ‘turn the other cheek?’

It was not something I came to easily, and yet, in order to live a happy life, I have had to. When I reach that point, I give it all to God.

4. When did you last turn a drawer, your car, a room, or your entire house upside down looking for something? Did you find it?

Just the other day. I was looking for a pair of slacks that needed a button. I thought they were on the shelf in my closet. But no. I looked at my Good Will pile. Not there either. A few days later, I brought my step stool into the closet, and they had fallen in back of a basket! Now to sew the button.

5. ‘One good turn deserves another’…were you most recently on the giving or receiving end of that sentiment?

I think receiving. I had a problem recently with an erroneous charge on my credit card. A wonderful clerk fixed the problem right up. I am so grateful.

6. Red, yellow, and orange are the colors of fall. Also the colors of fruit. If you were permitted only one color of fruit in your diet, which would you choose? This question isn’t as easy as it sounds, at least not for me.

Yellow. (Actually yellow and pink) This is for the colors of our peaches. This year they were amazing! Red, for our apples. I had the yummiest Macoun.

7. The Hunt for Red October, October Sky, Halloween…which ‘October’ film is your favorite?

The Hunt For Red October!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I made Julia Child’s BOEUF BOURGUIGNON for dinner tonight! Oh my goodness it tasted great! It did, however, take me all day to make. Still worth it.  Best tasting meal for a cool Autumn night!

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