The Reports Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Recently, I got a letter of condolence from an old friend of Hubby’s. I was very confused by this, as at that moment, Hubby was alive and well, and sitting across from me in the family room.

Upon finishing the letter, we realized that he had not gotten our Christmas card and annual letter. Thus listing all the things we had done in 2014. Lots of fun things. Certainly no “Weekend at Bernies” .

Since we did not have an email address or a phone number for this friend in England, we did what normal people have done for centuries…we wrote a letter.

We included pictures, to show Hubby was still alive, and included our phone numbers and email addresses. Then we went to the Post Office, got the correct postage for this missive, and then kept our fingers crossed that this would work.

It took two and a half weeks, but two days ago, we heard from this friend, via email. He was quite happy to hear that his old friend is, in fact, alive and well.

So the Post Office failed at Christmas, but at least the second letter got through. All of this made me realize that having a back up email address is really important!

So next time you think a friend may have gone to his eternal rest, send an email, or at the very least check the obituaries.

“The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated”.

Mark Twain

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