Two Years Ago

Two years ago, I was in the middle of having my face rearranged due to cancer. They had operated on me a month before, and left me looking like this, while the skin graft took.

April 18 13 002

The biggest problem was, that the doctor basically maimed me, when he didn’t have to, and his idea of reconstruction would have left me looking like this, for a very long time.

April 23 13 003

OK, that is when depression set in, and I stopped going out, started eating (chocolate) to sooth my depression (trust me, that never works) and felt as though I would be hideous for the rest of my life.

After a couple of months, a friend gave me the name of her doctor in Boston, and I went down to meet him, and get a second opinion.

Dr. P. told me he couldn’t make my nose look the same, but he could definitely improve what the other doctor had left me with.

So, starting in July, I had my first surgery with him. After the first surgery with Dr. P. I could already see the improvement.

July 08 13 002

After that, we waited a few weeks for healing, then more surgery and the improvement  was remarkable.

Sept. 02 13 008

Dr. P. was not only a gifted plastic surgeon, but a wonderful man. Finally in November of 2013 he finished my reconstruction.

Dec. 25 038

Now we wait, until the scars fade and I somehow forget what my face looked like before and get used to what it looks like now.

I will be honest. The way you look in the mirror to yourself, is something most of us never think about. We get up, shower, comb our hair and never really think that the person you are seeing may change.

And so it was with me. One day I looked like the person I always have know. And then, I wasn’t. I have really struggled with depression about this, and this spring I decided to fight back!

I am, who I am. The person inside is the same.

Now, it’s time for me to work on getting rid of all that chocolate that I ate to soothe myself during the surgery and after. Let me tell you, gaining weight, never helps with how you see yourself.

It’s hard, losing weight. And oh, so easy to gain it!!!

Life is as good as you chose to make it!

Game on!

2 thoughts on “Two Years Ago”

  1. Hi there — I found your blog via “From this side of the pond.” I’m glad I found you. You have a sweet story and a v v cute grand baby. 🙂


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