Dackel Princess-Up & Running

Good afternoon one and all. My Web Maven, Megan has now update the WordPress basics for me. As I said, it has been 6 years. I opened the writing part up and “WOW” everything looks so different. I stumbled around, and found my way into the writing part of the program. Actually, this is pretty good. Give me a week, and I think I will have it all memorized.

Now I want to take a week or so and work on a new face for Dackel Princess. Something pretty, that incorporates all my pups.


I think this new program might really be interesting to use! Thanks again, Megan, and I will be in touch after our trip with ideas for the new Dackel Princess look!

One thought on “Dackel Princess-Up & Running”

  1. Good for you for getting the latest version. You can set WordPress so that it installs new updates itself, which is a good security feature.

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