What A Pain In The Neck!

Well, this just stinks!

A few weeks back I injured my neck. I’m really not sure how I did this, but suffice to say, it hurts like heck, and it is sidelining me. Just being on my feet to make meals, caused me a lot of pain.


But I think the thing that scares me the most is the numbness in my left arm and hand, and the shooting pain from my neck to my shoulder to my fingers.

I’ve had strained mussels, I’ve torn ligaments and tendons, and I have broken bones, but nothing even comes close to this.

The MRI should be done at the beginning of the week, and once we have a firm diagnosis, we will have to figure out what to do next.

Quite honestly, I just want the pain to stop! Despite pain pills, and a sedative to relax me, I’m really not doing too well.

So, if it is not too much, please keep me in your prayers.

5 thoughts on “What A Pain In The Neck!”

  1. Well, I’m just going to think positively and assume, for the time being, that you’ve done one heck of a job pinching a nerve.
    Get well soon!

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