Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. February 17th is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. It lands on the calendar one day after National Do Something for a Grouch Day (February 16) which somehow feels related. Perhaps the 16th inspired the 17th?

Tell about a time you performed a random act of kindness or were the recipient of one. Will you make an effort to perform a random act of kindness on the 17th? Share details if you’re so inclined, and if you have something specific in mind.

Many years ago now, Hubby and I were on a cross country camping trip. We’d stopped in New Mexico to buy groceries, and as I was looking at the meats, when an old woman suddenly collapsed to the ground and began to convulse. I dropped my things and ran over and got her on her side and carefully placed my grocery pad into her mouth to keep her from biting her tongue. Meanwhile, I yelled for someone to call for an ambulance.

I stayed with her, holding her, until the Paramedics arrived. Several months later, we got a call from the woman, thanking me for what I had done for her.

The thing is, this was sort of an extreme case. I try, each day, to do things to help people, animals, etc.

Hebrews 13:2 King James Version
2. “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

2.What’s the most uplifting or encouraging thing you see happening in the world right now? You may have to dig deep for this one.

Forget the world. Too many very heavy things happening in the public world. I chose to think of this. My grandson will be with us sometime in the next 19 days! A new gentle soul to watch grow, to love and to share my life with!

3. Black olives, black currants, black grapes, black beans, blackberries, Oreos…your favorite food the color of night? Your least favorite on the list?

Favorite black food? Gee, let me think, dark chocolate! Least favorite? Very tough, you see that’s why I am a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers!

4. A while back I read (here) a list of twelve things you should do before you turn 50. They were-

  1. travel when you have the chance,
  2. take care of your skin,
  3. learn a foreign language,
  4. make exercise a habit,
  5. leave a toxic situation,
  6. stop caring what others think about you,
  7. stop worrying,
  8. volunteer,
  9. spend time with your grandparents,
  10. pledge to work less,
  11. learn to cook an amazing dish,
  12. and seize an opportunity as it arises

What do you think of the list? What would you add or remove and why? If you’re over 50, have you done all 12? If you’re not yet 50, have you done any at all? What’s on the list that you haven’t done, but would like to do?

I would love to learn to speak German, but I simply do not have a knack for languages. Sadly, my grandparents are all gone. I wish they weren’t and I could sit down and have a good long chat. Especially with Grandma Honey.

I do need to stop worrying so much, but that is a tough one. This year I plan to seize as much time as possible spending time with Savannah and my new grandson.

5. Besides the classic Christmas flicks, what’s your favorite film where winter plays a part in the setting?

There are a few. Dr. Zhivago is the classic. The cinematography is breathtaking, and the acting is as well.  What an amazing movie! And for the comedic part of the winter equation, “Ground Hog Day”, with Bill Murray.

6.When did you last feel helpless, and what did you do about it?

Just before they diagnosed my cervical disc problem. The pain was incredible, and I was so scared. I think not knowing in a situation like that is the hardest part. Once I met my Neurosurgeon, and he knew exactly what to do to make me feel better, I breathed a sigh of relief! And today it is two months since my surgery!

7. Share a favorite proverb.

I don’t know if this is an official one, but it’s the one I use all the time. I think I got it from my former husband, and it’s just stayed with me all these years. “Sometimes chickens, sometimes feather”.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My suitcase is packed, and all I need to do is toss in my toiletry kit and hit the road. Where am I going? Well, once I get the call from Mandy, I am off to be with Savannah, while Mandy and Matt bring their baby boy into this world!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hodgepodge”

  1. I am so excited to hear news about Quinn! I will try to get up to see him as soon as I can too! Love YOU, Mel

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