Kathleen Alynne 1978-1985

It’s been 31 years since the car accident that took my youngest daughter’s life. (You can read about the accident here.)


Kathleen Alynne

Katie would be all grown up now, 37 years old! Even after all this time, the shock and pain of her loss is palpable. And really, there is no way to explain it. Somehow Mandy, Bob and I, have managed to go on, and yet for the rest of our lives, there will always be a spot, a bright star, in our lives, that is missing.

We never got to see her grow up, fall in love, graduate from school, or hold her baby in her arms. She was robbed, and so were we.

This year, the thirty-first anniversary of her passing, finds me missing her, but also very grateful  for those six and a half wonderful years that we all shared with her.

I choose to live in the present now. I allow myself two days a year (the anniversary of the accident and Katie’s birthday) to remember, to grieve and to wallow a bit, but it is hard.

She had the most beautiful red curls and dancing green eyes and a little voice that made one think of Leprechauns. She wasn’t perfect, but she was special and sweet and she was my daughter.

The accident forever changed me, but from the ashes of my previous life, like a Phoenix, I have risen to make a good, happy life in the present.

But I just never forget that time, those events…

…or that wonderful little girl.

In Memory of Katie from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

8 thoughts on “Kathleen Alynne 1978-1985”

  1. For some reason I am even more full of sadness today and yet as you said so thankful to have had Katie for those 6 1/2 years. She was a beautiful little girl and so loved by so many! AND is loved now and forever! She was a blessing and a gift to us all! Love YOU, Mel

  2. In a few of your Savannah photos I see flashes of Katie. So many of us know and remember the little girl with the red curls and sparkling eyes. Love you much, Michele

  3. I’m so sorry for your loss. Looking at the pictures of this really cute little girl, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain.

  4. I echo Michele’s comments. I see Katie in Savi all the time and, thus, think of her almost daily. Never forgotten!

  5. It is always so sad when a parent outlives their child–but to have to give her over because of an event as horrific as an accident robs so many, but for a mom, as you said, so many firsts. I commend you for being able to allow yourself only those two days to grieve ans wallow in sadness, but for allowing yourself those days as well. I never lost a child, but many, many others, so I can say I know what it is like to loose and feel sad on those special days. I can never imagine what a mother feels like on those days, however. Prayers and warm thoughts for you, especially today.

  6. Not enough tissues in the world! I’m a friend of Mel’s – this was a lovely tribute to your beautiful little girl.

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