
Did I tell you what happened during my trip to Falmouth?

I was on Route 24 and it was pretty empty of traffic. The truck ahead was going a little slow, so I passed him. (I normally don’t pass, I just kind of hang in there, but he was going very slowly)

Anyway, just as the rear end of my car passed his cab, I heard and felt a tremendous explosion! I looked in the rear view mirror and both the truck’s front tires had blown!

The driver was holding the truck steady and decelerating on the truck’s wheel rims! Rubber flew all over the road and out the sides. There were sparks from the rims.

I suddenly realized if I had been behind him or next to him, my car would have been severely damaged and I could have been injured.

Then I told my phone to call home, I felt like I was losing it! I started telling hubby what had happened and then I had a panic attack and started hyperventilating. Hubby told me to pull over and he talked me down.

Later I was speaking to a friend at the reunion, and she said she thought I’d had a PTSD flashback to the car accident I had in 1985. I do not remember the accident, as I was knocked unconscious, but apparently my subconscious does remember and so did my body. It was such a terrible thing.

When I began to think normally about it all, I realized what our Veterans must go through. Imagine having a flashback to things that happened in battle? Certainly my car accident had been horrific, but I had never had an uncontrollable response like that before. I’d never even considered it, until I heard the explosion and felt it shake my car.

One more thing. I have to hand it to this Big Rig driver. He did an amazing job holding that truck straight until he could safely pull off the road. That was an amazingly skilled driver! My hats off to you, wherever you may be!

One thought on “Luck”

  1. That’s a scary experience with or without PTSD.
    Though I think your friend was right about the flashback.
    Glad that all went well!

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