Be Nice!

Recently, I have been thinking about how people treat each other. You know, there are a lot of people spewing hatred, not just at political candidates, but at each other.

I will be 58 in a few weeks. Do you know what I have learned in all of that time? To be nice. Gosh, what is wrong with people?


I see it day after day, people really going out of their way to be filled with hatred and to treat other people in a way, that they, themselves would not wish to be treated.

I am not saying that we all need to go around liking everyone around us. That’s unrealistic, as we all are different people. What I am saying is, be nice.

Do you have family members that you really aren’t crazy about? Okay, so these relatives may not be your favorite, but my Grandmother told me once, that there was no excuse for being rude, or vicious. Family is family. Be polite. Be nice!

Forget about what we see on the news, or reality TV. I have to tell you, I’ve stopped watching news. I’ve become a fan of BUZZR, which is a Classic Game Show network.

Why, you might ask? Because I am so sick of lies, politics, nastiness and people saying terrible things about each other.

I know some people will say that it’s just politics as usual. Well, I don’t think so. People have been commenting on their “friends” FB pages, saying terrible things, because they do not agree with their politics.

People, life is short. Be kind.

One thought on “Be Nice!”

  1. Being nice is easier than being hurtful, but there are so many people who just don’t get it. Love YOU, Mel

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