TBT: Memories

I never go into boxes of my Mom’s stuff and look around. My guest room closet is full of envelopes, pictures and old letters that are in a box. Well, not one, but a few. On Tuesday, I was in the guest room and I opened the closet door and saw one of the boxes. I took it down and sat on the chest, and opened the box and started to look through it. Trust me, I now have several months worth of TBT pictures.

Recently, I’ve been missing Katie and as I went on looking at the pictures I came across three marvelous ones! And here they are.




3 thoughts on “TBT: Memories”

  1. Such a gift from Katie! Beautiful pictures and wonderful memories of the wonderful little girl who brightened the day with her gorgeous smile and bubbling personality. Love you Katie! Love YOU, Mel

  2. These are great mom. I really love the third one–and the composition of it. Like she is saying–look–I’m right here! Xoxo

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