Another Busy Day

My Tuesday was rather incredible. Jack had an appointment to be fitted for shoes (After the amputation he needs special shoes) and he asked for me to go with him. After he wanted to see the new Grocery Store.

We were due to get the remains of Tropical Storm Isaias. It was cloudy and humid on our drive over, with a few spits of rain. But nothing heavy.

I sat in the car reading while Jack went in for his exam. As I sat, all of a sudden, the skies opened, and the wind blew, and it was like being caught in the middle of a terrible storm!


I watched people come out of the building, run for their cars, and get soaked to the skin. It made me happy to be sitting in the car reading my book.

Finally, Jack was done, and he came out. Lucky for him the rain had lightened and he did not get drenched!

I think the new super grocery store overwhelmed Jack. He began to seem tired and so I skipped many isles, and just got to a register and checked out. I did not finish my shopping, I just wanted to get him home.

But he had two more stops to make and by the time we got home and put things away and sat down for lunch, it was after 3 PM, and I was deliriously hungry and not able to think clearly.

After eating a small lunch I tried to rest a little, but the house and husband and dogs kept me on my toes. As did the Tropical Storm.

The Storm has been with us now for a bit. Not as bad as some places, but with high winds and rain we have had flickering lights, and outages with our satellite.

I managed to prepare a quick and easy dinner and get it all cleaned up. So, if the lights go out now, I could care less.

As I work hard to lose weight, Jack is having trouble keeping weight on. (If only that were my problem!) So, I bought him a pie at the store and although he insisted he wasn’t hungry at dinner I forced him to eat.

Meanwhile, I hold fast to my goals. This week was a very good week! I lost 2.2 pounds bringing my grand total to 49.8 pounds lost!!! I am a very happy girl!

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One thought on “Another Busy Day”

  1. A bit sad that you are working hard to lose weight and Jack is losing weight without intent and doesn’t need to. I wonder if he enjoyed being out or was fearful and hesitant?

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