No Smoking!

Oh my goodness, Saturday was really cold! It wasn’t just the actual temperature outside, but the wind brought the windchill down to the single digits! In fact, it was so cold, I broke out Arnie’s sweater as he was shaking like a leaf!

It brought to mind the fact that during the winter of 1999-2000, I was standing outside, with four feet of snow around me, smoking a cigarette. I had just a few left in the pack when I was overcome by good common sense. I came in, broke the cigarettes in half, and covered them with Dawn Dish Liquid.

Jack asked me what I was doing and I told him I was quitting cold turkey! He looked at me, with a concerned look of disbelief, and shook his head.

I told myself that I could never smoke another cigarette or I was done. I would be a smoker until the day I died.

But I never did start again. I never even caught myself sniffing the smoke when people were smoking near me. In fact, I really detest the smell of smoke now, unless it is in a fire-pit.

So tonight, as the wind blows, and the temperatures drop, I am so grateful that I am no longer a smoker!

Sig file for Dackel

3 thoughts on “No Smoking!”

  1. Well done you. We don’t all find the inner strength to do as you did. I never understand why relatively intelligent people smoke but hey it was such fun and pleasurable.

  2. Good for you!! I stopped cold turkey also in kids hated it so It was time & I’m so glad I did!!

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