And So It Goes…

Lately, I have been avoiding the news, talk shows, and even my usual Vlogs, as I cannot stand the presentations of the world’s condition. Instead, I play with Heidi and watch movies that were produced long ago. I also listen to music from the late 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. After that, I find most of it is just noise. That being said, there are exceptions, but it is just easier to listen to playlists from that time.

We were able to get out cars inspected, which was funny because the old Cadillac that we have, only had been driven 22 miles last year!

I visited with Mandy, Matt, and Savi & Quinn on Saturday. The visit went far too fast. I told Mandy I would love to have the kids for a couple of days this summer. Go to the beach, and take them for hikes ad ice cream cones.

Oma's Day!A cute collage of us on Saturday!

Have not felt terrible well over the last week. This is why:

Oh yeah, it’s beautiful, but I am so stuffed up I can hardly breathe!

And it smells wonderful! I know because I can smell it before the sneezing starts and fill up the nose!

281485327_327092876190998_1155184130551750264_nThe girls say Hi!

One thought on “And So It Goes…”

  1. I agree with you about music and oddly so many young people like music of our younger years.

    Great that you had such a good time with the grands, who have both grown to be nice looking kids.

    When you say Cadillac, it isn’t a huge older model?

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