
You know it really is wonderful. After a few little skirmishes (minor, really), the crew has settled in and every one is getting along. For a while Fritz was afraid of the little guy, but this morning I found them this close together.

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In fact, Fritz really calmed down and actually likes Bogey. He lies down with him and while Bogey sleeps, Fritz chew on his bones and watches over him.

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The other little rivalry has been between Arnie and Bogey. Not that Bogey has felt this, but Arnie sure has. I have been spending time each night snuggling with my little man and assuring him that he is still my one and only!

Then today Arnie started to play with Bogey! I was shocked! They ran in the field together, and played in the house afterward. I even got this picture of them in front of the fire that I got going today!

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They look so comfortable together that I finally felt at ease.

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So if Bogey’s parents check the blog, worry not! He is happy and healthy and having a good time with the rest of his birth family.


PS: Hubby did the most romantic thing this morning. When the dogs got up this morning, Hubby got up with them and let me stay in bed!!! Now that is real love and the most romantic thing a man can do for his wife!


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