A Waiting Game

Here at The Dackel Princess Home, we are still awaiting the birth of Anneliese’s pup. Saturday saw her changing her usual personality and becoming more of a recluse. At one point she had climbed under our bed, and I managed to get her out. Now we’ve closed off the doors to any rooms with beds, and tried our best to encourage her to go into the whelping box.

But I can see her laugh at us because she doesn’t want the whelping box, but perhaps the softness of my bed to give birth on! That’s not going to happen!

While Anneliese follows her internal clock, I have kept busy canning more pickles and vacuuming the family room and kitchen, as I like to have a quiet house the first week the puppies are born. Even if there is just one this time.

I’ve been watching the Owls on The Owl Box. Their first egg hatched this morning and I was able to get this screen shot of Molly and her new Owlet, Ashley.


You can see Molly feeding her 45 minute old baby. I was so thrilled to get this shot! I had attempted two others and didn’t get the one I wanted and then, BAM! I got this!!!

I also had a weird thing happen to me. Last night I picked up an old newspaper to read in the tub and when I opened it up, there I WAS!!!

newspaper article


Now call me surprised! I came out to the family room and told Hubby I’d found some strange woman in the news paper! He laughed and joked about it for a while. The two newspapers were several days old (see how often I actually read a newspaper these days?), and I probably would have missed this if I hadn’t had the urge to bring them with me into the tub!

I guess some days it pays to read the local news!

5 thoughts on “A Waiting Game”

  1. I also watch the owl nest, but haven’t for awhile. In the spring, starting in Feb. I watch the falcons on the circle in Indianapolis. They usually have 4 eggs.

  2. I love those pictures of you! I love the Owl Box! Any pup news this morning? I can’t wait! Love YOU, Mel

  3. That’s a surprise to find yourself in a newspaper, lol ! and apparently your mouth watered ! I love owls, they have the same eyes as Rosie, round !

  4. Looks like you are doing a good job selling those baked goods. I can only imagine your surprise! 🙂
    Hope you get your puppy soon and all goes well!

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