Short Order Cook

It started with me cooking Hubby breakfast on Friday morning. I asked what he wanted and quickly whipped it up for him. I tidied the kitchen and then began the process of getting some cooking done.

Serious cooking.

Saturday we had friends over for a barbecue, and I needed to get the ribs set so that they could marinate. I was able to get that done pretty quickly, before I tackled the potato salad.

I tossed 5 pounds of potatoes in to boil with a half dozen eggs, and while that all cooked, I chopped the onion, celery for the potato salad as well as peppers and garlic that I needed for the Chili that I was also making.

Chili, you ask? Yes, Since I had all the juice from the tomatoes and I am literally inundated with Spaghetti Sauce, I decided to make a double batch of chili.

Once the vegetables were chopped and the potatoes were cooked, I set them aside to cool. Meanwhile, I started the Chili by sauteing all the vegetables and adding the ground meat. I browned that, added the tomato sauce and spices and set it on a low heat to cook.

I then made the potato salad and no sooner had I gotten all that put together, than it was lunch! I made Hubby a couple of hot-dogs with relish, onions and mustard and chips. Ate a quick lunch myself before working to clean up everything.

I was just finishing up the Chili in the mid afternoon when Hubby suggested that we make apple sauce! So we sliced and cored half a bushel of apples and cooked them down. We put them through the Foley Mill to remove any seeds and skin, and then added a tad of sugar and cinnamon. Yum! I froze eight quarts of sauce and put one container in the fridge.

Then Hubby wanted dinner. That was easy, he got Chili! I literally cooked the entire day on Friday, and I do not plan to cook much at all now over the weekend! Just a few little things. Like grill the ribs, and boil water for the corn on the cob.

I must share with you though, that my freezers are nearly full with all sorts of fruits and vegetables from the garden. Makes me feel kind of proud.

Saturday’s dinner went off without a hitch and we are all happily full tonight. Thanks to my pre-cooking, I was able to enjoy my guests and the food as well!

5 thoughts on “Short Order Cook”

  1. Wow that all sounds wonderful. I love potato salad but haven’t made it in forever.

    Loved your 911 post as well. I agree. Let’s not forget.

  2. Mr. G. and son got Chili too I had made a big pot for at least 10 people (I thought) and now I have just 4 portions left ! They love it. We had a nice weekend together.

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