Keeping Busy

I was not feeling strong. I was not feeling ambitious. That being said, I knew I had to vacuum and wipe down counters, if for no other reason than to keep the Department of Health from condemning my home!

All this being said, I will tell you that I had to take breaks during this cleaning frenzy, and once I finished that and changed my sheets, I was done for the day. At least with the heavy stuff.

It’s been three years since I did a major overhaul of my Address-book.  So I sat down with my computer, all my Christmas card return envelopes, and notations that I had made in the book I have currently.

I made sure my alphabetizing was correct and organized with the last name first. I will wait a day or two before printing it up. So, if I do not have a current address for you, please PM or Email me.

The sad part of my day was deleting the names of loved ones who have now passed. And then I would remember a happy memory and smile.

We’re due for bad weather tomorrow and Tuesday so I think I will get into another project that will consume me.

It’s almost New Year’s Eve! Get ready to say good-bye to 2019. I hope that 2020 will be a really wonderful year!


2 thoughts on “Keeping Busy”

  1. I also updated my computer address book. I managed to get three pages of friends down to less than one page and then it was was easy to put them in alphabetical order. Rather sad really. I never delete anything though. I have files called Old Friends Addresses and Old Family addresses. You know the time will come when Jack might ask you where did such and such live? And you will be able to answer him.

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