
Wednesday was sort of a strange day. It started with me going to Weight Watchers, where I stayed the same. That in itself didn’t freak me out too much, but perhaps the fact that when I headed out to class it was all of 55 degrees (F) did. The air was dry and clear and the sun was shining, but what is up with the fact that it is August and the temperature was 55 degrees?


Then on my way home I stopped at the Vet’s office to ask about Anneliese’s false pregnancy and how it had now escalated to the point where I can’t get her to come out of the crate! She has Mr. Bunny in there and has barricaded the door. We’ve decided to allow her to have the bunny for the rest of Wednesday and then in the morning we will de-bunny her. I am sure that this will cause Anneliese great stress, but the fact that she is going through this whole false pregnancy thing is truly a very unusual event. Of course since her mother has had them too, perhaps it is an inherited thing.


We canned 13 jars of brandied peaches today, and even though the outside of the peaches skin was mottled by the hail damage, we found that many of the peaches were, in fact beautiful underneath! The peaches also taste delicious, so after a month or so in their juice and brandy mix, they will be absolutely yummy! Still I think of how much more damage there could have been….


The day ended with a wonderful meal at the Chinese Buffet courtesy of Emily and her Dad. The food was great, the company super, but….there was a family with three small kids and these children ran around the restaurant singing a horrible tune at the top of their lungs, while their parents just sat there ignoring them. It reminded me of something my former mother in-law told me way back years ago when my kids were small. She told me that she never minded taking my kids out because my girls knew how to behave in a public place. I was so happy to get this compliment because it meant I was doing my job as a parent! I thought to myself tonight how those two parents were really letting their kids down. And that to me was just……


“The Games Of Life Olympics”

I was sitting here watching the Olympics when I started to think that real people don’t do what these athletes do. Real people have aches and pains, sprain wrists and ankles, twist knees and trip over their own feet. Come on, could any of us really swim that fast, or do multiple flips on a balance beam?

I started thinking about the real Olympics. You know, the ones we live with every day. Like, “Navigating Your Way To The Coffee Pot In The Morning”, or “Carrying A Full Basket Of Laundry Down To The Basement While Wearing Flip Flops”.

I wondered what I might be doing now that would give me a gold medal, or at least honorable mention in the “She Survived” category.

We all know that my skiing skills are such that I should be very careful when going down hill. I should also be careful when being outside as I can’t afford to lose anymore of my nose to skin cancer, and reaching over counter tops is also a category best left to younger stronger backs than mine.

Lets see what can I do in the “Games of Life Olympics“?

I truly excel at feeding 4 dogs at one time without loss of limb.

I can carry arm loads of groceries up the stairs without killing myself. (At least most of the time.)

But probably my biggest accomplishment is that I can make microwave popcorn without burning a kernel!

So what is your special skill? What can you get a “Gold Medal” in, in this game called life?

Dackel Princess For President?

I’ve always steered clear of making political statements on Dackel Princess. In fact, I don’t believe it’s my place to tell anyone how to feel politically. However, I received this from a friend and now I have to speak out.

Once I conferred with the dackels I decided on our basic platform.

Soft cushiony beds in every home. Milk bones left in a dish on every table and belly rubs at least twice a day for all doggies.

For the people it was champagne and chocolate and gasoline for every car! We’ll make people be nice again, and help each other out. Vacations will be longer and work days shorter.

The sun will shine, the moon will glow and happiness will abound!

Pass The Wine

Well the saga of the girl who just said no continues. Once again today, Greta played, frolicked and rolled, but did not allow Bernie….. ahem….. in.

I called my Veterinarian, and took Greta in. Basically he told me to relax, have a glass of wine and let nature take it’s course. He said I should remember that Greta is much smarter than me. She will know when things are right. Okay, I can’t argue with that.

So I have been trying not to think of it. Trying not to dwell on when she will “do it” or when the puppies will arrive.

I made a double batch of Italian Wedding Soup. I made some popcorn and ate it. I did laundry and I worked like crazy keeping Arnie away from his Mom. Oh yeah, that has been fun!

Greta has been quiet since Bernie left. She has done a lot of sleeping except for when the black lab arrived in the yard again, and this time he tried to get in the door. Excitement!

Ah well. I’m not worrying about when she will be ready, I’m just going to sit here with my feet up and the three dachshunds draped all over my lap and relax.

Please pass the wine!

7 Random Things Meme

I got tagged by lovely San
this evening and therefore I have to participate in this little meme:

Here are the rules:
* Link to the person who tagged you – go blame San.
* Post the rules here – DONE!
* Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself – see below.
* Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them.
* Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged.


1. I am the tallest person in my nuclear family. I’m 5 feet 8 inches.
2. I have broken both of my feet. Once when I was in 5th grade and then when I was 32. Needless to say, shoe buying is a challenge!
3. I LOVE eggplant. Yes, it’s true. I could eat it all the time and never get sick of it.
4. I never expected to own and love four dogs. Three was a lot of work and well, then Arnie just happened. I adore him, so…
5. I was never supposed to be able to have children, but I had two beautiful daughters. Guess those doctors were wrong!
6. I love blue eyes. Especially Hubby’s blue eyes.
7. I love listening to music that I put on CD’s. I’m a big 1960’s, ’70’s and ’80’s music lover.

That’s it. I hope it was entertaining πŸ™‚ … and I’m tagging Janet
Goofy Girl
and Tor
for some more entertainment. Have fun and let me know if you played πŸ™‚

Global Warming?

Life is full of surprises, right?

We got up this morning and found a good 6-8 inches of snow had fallen during the night. The snow was over the heads of the puppies as they tried to go out, and I had to get on my boots, hat, coat and gloves and shovel a small path for them.

After breakfast Hubby dutifully went out and using his ancient snowblower, cleared our 500 foot driveway. For those of you that don’t know, this drive is all uphill from our house, making it a driving challenge in the winter.

While he did this, I baked the cookies I’d been promising myself I would make, and I watched “It’s A Wonderful Life” while I did this.

And still, it snowed.

We’re now in a lull in the storm, and we have a total of 8-10 inches of snow so far. More is expected overnight.

Now this is getting truly weird, because we ordinarily do not have this much snow this early in the winter. Since we returned from our cruise at the end of November, we have had over 2 feet of snow!

So the next time someone is sitting next to me telling me that life is going to end in one great puddle of melting ice due to “Global Warming” I will simply laugh.

I’m sorry, but I have to, because I’m sitting here on top of a very high pile of snow in a cold and snowy New Hampshire!