Family Reunion Day 1

A Walk In The Mud

We arrived over at the family homestead just after lunchtime. The ride over was beautiful, as we drove through the little towns of Nova Scotia. The homestead is on the Bay Of Fundy in a spot where the tides are so great they literally go completely out and leave only wet mud flats in their wake.

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The two puppies trotted out and I picked up Anneliese. I didn’t want her frightened by all the new people. This was the right thing to do, as she wasn’t at all freaked out and in the end, the two pups had a wonderful time.

The cousins all hugged and kissed and laughed and pictures were taken and beers were hoisted.

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Shalena, Hubby and Barbara.

After we had all munched some goodies, Hubby’s cousin Billy decided that since the tide was out this would be a great time to go walking on the mud flats. Hubby immediately said yes, and I was horror stricken. I remembered the mud, the sticky mud from years past and I also worried about his knees. But he wouldn’t listen and off he went with a team of 11 of his cousins.

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Heading toward the bay.
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Down the ladder they go.
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Right into all the thigh deep mud! What saved Hubby was his incredibly long legs, otherwise he would have been a complete muddy mess like the rest of them.
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Eventually they made it out to the flats where they walked for a few miles. Never let it be said that a Canadian is not prepared. Here you will see his cousin carrying a cooler with beer for all!
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Eventually they found a swimming area to play in and enjoyed that.

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But when they returned I was ready with my camera to catch their muddiness! They all needed to shower off before we would allow them back in the house. Then I told Hubby all that I had planned to do to him had he fallen and really gotten messed up. Or worse yet, destroyed my good camera, which he insisted on taking with him!

The evening was spent eating a great dinner of Sea Bass and Deer steaks along with a salad and some fresh bread.

The two dogs continued to be sweet,

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but around 8 o’clock we noticed them sprawled across the deck asleep. So we picked them up and headed back to the motel. I was pretty tired myself, and so I crawled into bed and fell almost instantly asleep, leaving my writing of Dackel Princess to this morning!

We head back to the homestead at noontime and will have a big party with the cousins who are already in town tonight, complete with some bluegrass music. Then Saturday night is the banquet and dance.

Off to have my coffee!

We made it!

I was at my wits end! I opened my notebook last night as soon as we got settled into our motel room. And NOTHING! I couldn’t connect. I tried everything, even invoking the powers of Harry Potter, and nothing!

I asked for help at the front desk. The lovely girl was no help at all. She uses Windows Vista and has never used an XP machine before.

Finally this morning I hard wired the machine in and voila! I got it going. So…

Here we are in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada. What a beautiful place this is. Nova Scotia, in general, reminds me of Cape Cod.

Our journey began at 6 AM yesterday with Arnie and Anneliese. Arnie was so easy in the car. He loves to look around and cuddle in your lap. But my poor baby Anneliese was afraid, and shook for the first half an hour. Now that we have traveled all the way here, including a three hour ferry ride, she is a seasoned traveler. In fact this morning when I went out to the car she came with me and hopped right in!

But I digress.

We drove from 6 AM until 2:30 to St John, New Brunswick where we sat waiting for the ferry. We were early and so we were first in line. The puppies moved from their crate in the back seat to the front seat and they were very busy checking everything out.

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The pups in the car.

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Anneliese with her Dad.

We got on the ferry and off we went. The first hour or so I sat reading Harry Potter while Hubby roamed the ship. The pups were safely in their crate below decks and so I was able to simply relax and read.

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Our ferry.

Soon Hubby came back with a couple from Alberta Province and we all sat around talking for the rest of the trip. Another young man, who works for the government in Veteran’s Affairs joined us and it was so interesting to hear their views.

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Coming into Digby

Once we got to Digby, Nova Scotia, then it was just a matter of time until we got to our motel. It’s a new, nice Super 8 and now that I actually have my Internet hookup I am very happy!

Today we will head over to the family homestead and catch up with the cousins who are already here.

Housework, Harry Potter & Insurance

I’ve been running around like crazy getting ready for our trip. Tuesday saw me doing all sorts of last minute housework, and laundry and of course meal preparation so that has not left me much time for Harry, Hermione and Ron.

I know tomorrow I won’t get too much reading done either because I can’t read in the car, and if I am lucky I will be able to find a few moments on the ferry taking us across to Digby, Nova Scotia. I’m thinking I may be the last person to finish the new Harry Potter book.

Hubby and I have everything planned and I thought I was doing great until about 2:30 on Tuesday when I remembered that we needed an insurance form for the car for the Canadian border. I was sure we had one and I looked and looked and looked and FINALLY found it. It was, of course, in the last place I looked! (LOL)

So off we go on our first trip with the “terror twins”. Stay tuned for updates from the road…

Health Certificates and Suitcases

I took the puppies to the Vets on Monday for their Health Certificates. This way they can go to Canada and come back across the border. It was kind of exciting taking them back to the place where they were born. It seems like just yesterday that I held those tiny pups in my hand for the very first time, and now they are proper doggies. Large, (Arnie weighs 17 pounds and Anneliese is 14 pounds) able to walk around and make friends and sit and stay when told to do so. Okay, they’re still learning about that, but they’re trying.

The car ride was uneventful, which was good because Canada is a very long ride from here. We are leaving at 6 AM and do not expect to get to our motel until 9 or 10 PM. Yep, long day for puppies and humans!

I came home and got out the suitcases and we started to pack. All the puppy things are packed. The suitcases are on our bed and most of the clothing we plan to bring is folded neatly inside them.

That’s when I noticed one very big thing.


Poor Greta knows we are leaving and she is not happy about it at all. She is sulking and giving us the cold doggy shoulder already. She knows. Fritz? Not so much. I know he will be a little upset when we go, but nothing like Greta. She really gets her nose out of joint!

Getting Ready for Canada

Sunday morning I began searching for the outfit to wear to the family reunion. It’s a casual event, so I don’t need to dress up, but my usual dress mode of jeans and t-shirts must be set aside for something a little more glamorous.

I started out trying on pants for Hubby to view. I came out of our bedroom, pirouetted and asked, “Do these make me look fat?”

Nothing like putting poor Hubby in the hot seat with that question. He handled it well.

“Ah, I can see your panty-line”.

Okay, so maybe those were a little tight. You know I’ve been on my diet two whole weeks and you would think that I could have at least dropped a clothing size by now! In reality I’ve lost 6 pounds and that has only given me more room in my socks!

I tried on several more pairs of pants before we decided on two that didn’t look horrible, and I’ll bring along my jeans skirt in case I totally freak out and decide that I really do look “that fat”!

Meanwhile, I continue reading “Harry Potter”. I read a chapter or two and then stop and walk the puppies or change the laundry or cook. My cousin Janet has already finished reading it!

Monday morning is puppy health certificate time and then we’re on to packing. I’ll be writing along the way as our motel has high speed Internet access. After all, can’t be cut off from you all. 033102jump_1_prv

And today is my sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mel! Love you!!!

The Pony Tail!

I now have a pony tail. Yes, a year and a half after the worst haircut of my life, I can now pull my hair into a pony tail. Okay, so it’s a short one, but a pony tail nonetheless!

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Now why is this so important? Well, after getting a haircut that left me with literally one inch of hair all over my head (and made me look like a monkey) I was forced by time, to renew my passport. For the next 10 years I must look at that awful haircut and remember how my heart ached (and my ears stuck out).

So, I’ve been growing it. Through the good and the bad. My new hairdresser is a wonderful woman and when I get frustrated with it as it grows and ask her to cut it all off, she refuses! And because I adore her, I listen and then I open my passport and I remember and let another day go by.

How long will I let it grow? I’m not really sure. Perhaps I shall grow it as long as Lady Godiva! I can ride a horse through the streets of my town with my long hair suggestively covering my body.

Hmmmmm. Now that is almost as scary a picture as me with short hair!

Wednesday Meanderings

My fever broke yesterday! Yippee! Although I still feel somewhat down and out with the cold, I am doing better. Thus proving that the old saying of “three days coming, three days with and three days going” is probably true.

For my first week back on my diet I lost 5 pounds. Now I am sure I will not lose this much each week, but it was a good boost for my moral. At least I know I am doing the right things to get the weight off.

This may be the biggest piece of news yet. ARNIE BARKED TO GO OUTSIDE TO POOP! Yes you read it right. Our beloved boy is house broken and now goes to the door and barks! I have survived house breaking!

I took Greta in today to have her nails clipped at our Vet’s. She is so difficult to do, and she simply won’t let us do them, so we bring her in for her very own “Pet-i-cure”!

We have a new house sitter! She works for our Vet during the day and freelances at night. Since we live only a stones throw from our Vets office it will be easy for her to run over and walk the dogs while we are away next week at Hubby’s family reunion in Nova Scotia. She will also be living here. We are so happy to have found her!

The reunion in Nova Scotia is with the fun side of Hubby’s family. These are the cousins I get along well with and the ones I enjoy. We’ll be gone 5 days to a truly beautiful part of Canada.

I have tons of tomatoes growing on my plants, some actual summer squash, which I think we can pick in a day or two, and I saw several cucumbers coming along! My garden is growing!

The two puppies climbed into bed with us two nights ago and have made themselves right at home. Call it a family bed! Of course is Fritz decides to join us we may have to move out and leave the king size bed to the animals!

Summertime Colds

I woke up in the night with shaking chills. Oh darn it! A summertime cold. I put on my winter bathrobe and pulled the comforter tightly to my chin and climbed back into bed. I have a high fever and I’m all congested and coughing.


But the good news is, I have three wonderful nurses! Greta, Arnie and Anneliese! They have been by my side, in my lap, or on my chest, but always comforting me. It’s amazing to me how these little creatures know when you aren’t feeling well and they seem to find you and provide a great deal of comfort.

Hubby has been taking care of me too. Getting me drinks and some chicken broth. I know I need to force the fluids, even though my throat is sore. I don’t have much of an appetite. (This is good for my diet, yes?)

So I am kicking back and taking this easily and hopefully I will feel better very soon.

Thursday Thirteen #47

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things That Make Me Smile

1. The sound of children playing on the beach below our home.
2. The feel of puppy breath on my hand when they have fallen asleep in my lap.
3. Watching the two puppies and Greta chase each other around the house.
4. A good home cooked meal.
5. Walking hand in hand with the one I love.
6. A beautiful sunset.
7. A light misty rain.
8. Dark chocolate. (I know, you already knew that!)
9. A warm fire after a day of snow skiing.
10. The colorful leaves in the fall.
11. The first cool crisp morning in the Autumn.
12. The first flowers in the spring.
13. The love of my family and friends.

No Cavities

Tuesday was my appointment with the dentist. I have hated going to the dentist since I was a little child and went to a real jerk, who seemed to delight in making small children cry. For many years I would go, but have anxiety attacks about the appointments.

Then I decided that if I was to maintain my teeth in a good and healthful manner, I would simply tell the dentist right away that I am afraid of them and that worst of all, I BITE! (LOL)

Surprisingly, I have discovered that there are a lot of people my age who have had experiences like mine. I call myself a “Dental Chicken“. In any case, there are now bright young dentists who want to make us happy and not cause us any pain at all.

Since finding Dr. T. I have become a model patient. I make my appointments in advance, I use an electric toothbrush, and I floss. I even keep floss in my pocketbook for use after very chewy meals.

Today Dr. T. gave me, not just a clean bill of dental health, but he told me that my teeth actually look better than they have in a long time. I told him I am sure that it is due to the electric toothbrush.

I left after a very short visit and felt so happy and carefree on my drive home.

Yay! No cavities and clean teeth!!!