Busy Summer Days!

On Friday I was driving all around Manchester and Southern New Hampshire. Heidi was going to the groomers I had several doctor’s appointments and then I was going to my daughter’s home for the night.

So, my day started at 5 AM and by 7 o’clock we were on the road.

Heidi was dropped off first, and I raced to my appointment with my Glaucoma doctor. Good news. My pressure numbers are staying down and so between the surgery last year, and the drops, all is going splendidly.

Next was my appointment with my Primary Care, Nurse Practitioner. May I just say, I may never use an MD for Primary Care again. I simply love my Nurse Practitioner, and I know I am getting far better care from her.

Most all is well, I just need a few tests. Oh yes, and to get back on my diet!

They sent me over to Dermatology to have my rash looked at. Heat rash. Yuck.

After that, it was back to get Heidi, who looked totally adorable, and the last leg of our journey was to Amanda’s.


If I had any worries about Heidi getting along with Mandy’s dogs, they were quickly dispelled. Not one growl or bark. The three of them got along so well. Especially Winter, an American Eskimo, and Heidi.


Those two played and played and played, and then collapsed and fell asleep.


The next day was the Pool Party, which was so much fun, and it was great to see Heidi do so well in that environment. My grandson, Quinn, told me that Heidi is the Cutest Queen Puppy! I agree.

2022-08-13-10-44-07-751My granddaughter, Savannah, and Heidi.

Then it was time to come home. After all the racing around, I was exhausted and collapsed. Today I need to clean things up here as my sister and brother-in-law are coming for a visit. I want the place to at least be dust and dog hair free.


Cell Phones

Last week my Cell Phone Screen cracked. After weighing all my options I decided to replace the phone. I was told it would be here overnight, which meant it would arrive on Friday.

Friday came and went and in the evening I received an email that there was a delay. Something to do with bad weather and the phone arriving too late for delivery.

Okay, so when on Saturday would it arrive? They do not deliver on weekends. Ugh!

On Sunday night they wrote and said the phone would be delivered between 9:15 -11:15 AM on Monday!

Needless to say, that time came and went with no delivery. About 1:00 I got an email saying it would arrive by 7:00 PM.

That didn’t happen either. It did finally arrive at 7:30 PM.

Excitement filled the air as I unpacked the phone. My hands were shaking with anticipation!

But as I began to set up the phone I found that they had not activated the phone. OK that’s fine, but they had not added the phone and it’s serial number into our account. So there is no way for me to register the phone or transfer my Apps over.

So, my first stop tomorrow will be the Verizon Store for help. Oh well, this is a learning experience. One I have not enjoyed!

Dackel Shopping


Lately, I seem to be in a learning mode. Life is ever-evolving, and as things around you change, so do you.

If you are over the age of 60-65 and not taking any medications, then that is wonderful! However, for me, I am on medications twice a day and recently, my medications went through an overhaul.

Just about the time that I started to feel better with that, things changed with Jack’s (who takes more meds than Carter has pills.) (This is an American colloquialism), care and I am just trying to keep up, and falling short every day.

This lead me to physically break down. Suddenly I have the virus that’s been going around the Lake. Cough, cold, fever, and exhaustion. I’ve been tested for Covid and it is not that, but there is a nasty Virus around, and apparently, that is what it is.

So, I’ve been sleeping and sipping herbal teas, and sleeping again. I’ve tried to make meals, but honestly, I have no appetite and no desire to cook.

I do walk the dogs in the yard, in my pajamas, which is quite a sight, I am sure. I also made a masked and gloved trip to the grocery store to buy emergency supplies. Ginger ale, crackers, and bread for toast. Then I came home and slept some more.

Today I plan to sleep, drink, and walk the dogs. Nothing strenuous. Just take care of myself.


The Frustrations in Life

I am not one to complain too much…okay I am, but I’ve been trying to turn over a new leaf.

But today, when I received my sixth healthcare refusal from my governmental agency (the one that is guaranteed) I freaked out.

After pulling myself off the ceiling, I sat down with a pen, and paper, filled with determination to get answers.

I got my cell phone, and earpiece and I was ready to wait to be helped. The wait wasn’t as long as I thought it would be, and soon Victor came on. I told him that I was concerned because my guaranteed healthcare insurance was getting rejected all over the place. Why?

Victor explained that the current Administration had changed the ChampVA Healthcare payment protocols.

Okay, I understand people like to change things. But here is the deal. The Administration never told anyone! So, I am not the only person having this problem.

In the past when referring to a Primary Health Insurance the code was OHI. (Other Health Insurance). The current Administration decided to change this to Commercial Insurance. (No gray area)

I do not care what they call it. What I care about is that no one told anyone. They did not tell me, they did not tell the providers, and they did not tell their own people for over a year. Or in my case for almost two years. Some doctor’s offices still do not know.

I called one of my doctor’s billing departments today to explain it to her and she was shocked. But then, it all made sense to her as all of her governmental claims have been denied.

So there ya go. If you are disabled due to a service-related injury and your family has this insurance, be prepared. Be prepared!


The Price Of Life

I walked outside this morning to the cool temperatures. Again, I was wearing my winter coat. This made me laugh.

Coming in, I staggered over to the coffee machine, poured myself a cup, and thus, began my day.

I have to drive to Manchester today, and I have my drive planned out. After my appointment, I will drive to Market Basket in Tilton, pick up some staples and then get gas at BJ’s before driving right home.

Let’s face it. One must plan so as not to waste gasoline. I had a conversation with someone at the store. She actually thinks it’s a good idea (High fuel prices).

I bet she lives in a city with public transportation and that she has enough money to spend on fuel oil in the winter. If prices hold, I will be paying $1000.00+ a month to stay barely above freezing.

As it is, there is no public transportation here. We are on our own!

Oh well, that is that. Hope you all have a great day!


Life or something like it…

I went to the grocery store today and it was mobbed. I have thought for a while that we will see many local people taking camping trips reasonably close to their homes. Currently, New Hampshire camping grounds are booked out!

As our gasoline prices swell to over $6.00 a gallon, even I do not do a lot of traveling. But it is what it is.

Today I take Lili in for her shots and I want them to check on her ankles. She still limps from time to time and this worries me. Of course, it could be simply old-age arthritis. That is what I am hoping for.

Now Lili in the car is not so fun. She hates it and has since we brought her home. I try to play soothing music and I hope this helps.

2022-04-01_11-08-518-year-old Lili.

Heidi will be going with us, and due to the fact that she goes everywhere with me, she is a terrific rider.

After that, I plan to come home and take down the curtains in the family room for a good wash. While those are washing I plan to dust and wipe all surfaces down. Spring cleaning!

The weather forecast is for sunny skies and warm temperatures. Frankly, I am not convinced. It is dark and cloudy and looks more like the rain will fall than the sun will shine.

My friend had her 1 year anniversary since she began treatment for breast cancer. Her tests and scans show she is cancer-free! We are all rejoicing because this lady is one of the nicest and kindest women that I know. Cheers L!!!!


And So It Goes…

Lately, I have been avoiding the news, talk shows, and even my usual Vlogs, as I cannot stand the presentations of the world’s condition. Instead, I play with Heidi and watch movies that were produced long ago. I also listen to music from the late 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. After that, I find most of it is just noise. That being said, there are exceptions, but it is just easier to listen to playlists from that time.

We were able to get out cars inspected, which was funny because the old Cadillac that we have, only had been driven 22 miles last year!

I visited with Mandy, Matt, and Savi & Quinn on Saturday. The visit went far too fast. I told Mandy I would love to have the kids for a couple of days this summer. Go to the beach, and take them for hikes ad ice cream cones.

Oma's Day!A cute collage of us on Saturday!

Have not felt terrible well over the last week. This is why:

Oh yeah, it’s beautiful, but I am so stuffed up I can hardly breathe!

And it smells wonderful! I know because I can smell it before the sneezing starts and fill up the nose!

281485327_327092876190998_1155184130551750264_nThe girls say Hi!

Kind & Loving

Recently I was reading an article and the question was posed, “How has the world changed since you were a child”.

I thought for a long time about it. What I eventually came up with both shocked and saddened me.

I think the biggest difference is that people are not as kind or as loving as they were in the 1960s.

I recall people being kind. I recall people being allowed to have a difference of opinion without them becoming arch enemies.

I saw people taking a lost child under their wing. A friend’s parents going out of their way to make their child’s friend part of something positive.

I had many adults in our community theater treat me so warmly and I felt part of something good.

I was brought up in a multicultural community and I enjoyed learning about and knowing about things that were different from mine.

I loved that people judged me for the person I am and not the color of my skin, the church I attended, or my political affiliation.

People were kind to me. People were loving toward me, and when I rode my bicycle all around town, people waved at me and smiled.

I miss that. It is my hope that one day, the Country can return to civility.


What’s Happening

Wednesday found me all over the State of New Hampshire. It was stock-up cans day at the grocery, get cheap(-er) gasoline in the car, and go for my glaucoma recheck.

The best part of the day was that my glaucoma recheck went very well, My pressures remain down. I had laser surgery last summer and between that and the eye drops, I use twice a day I am doing great!

I was able to stock up on Jack’s favorite soups, and canned vegetables. Now, I love fresh fruits and vegetables when I can get them, but with gas prices sky-high, and meat and poultry prices also crazy high, I needed to find ways to feed Jack and me and not go completely broke.

It was lovely and sunny, although very cold, and the drive was a pleasant one.

However, Lili’s ankle is still not better so this morning I am calling the Vet.

Heidi is doing great and she did well with Jack. I must say I had to laugh when she gave me the cold doggy shoulder when I got home!

In other Heidi happenings, she lost her last two baby-piranha teeth!

So, there is a lot to do today and after I get Lili to the Vet, the first is to clean out my pantry so I can get it all organized!

20220310_163426Happy Thursday!

Just Some Thoughts

So much is happening in the world. It makes me wonder where we will be in a year or two or three.

I recall the early days of Covid. Before we knew much of anything about the disease. I remember going out to get groceries in what seemed like a hazmat suit. I remember stripping all my clothes off in the basement and running to the shower lest I bring in any germs.

And now here we are looking at Russia attacking a country that was a beautiful, friendly place.

Years ago, when the WALL was still up surrounding West Berlin, I made several trips into East Berlin, as well as Poland, Hungary, Romania, and St Petersburg, Russia.

You cannot imagine what it was like if you had not been there. Military on the streets as well as secret police who were constantly watching. And almost no one had a car. It sort of freaked me out to go into East Berlin back then and only see a dozen or so cars.

Growing up we were basically taught to fear Russia. They were not trustworthy and we knew if given a chance they would invade.

So here we are in 2022. Russia under the guidance of Putin is going through Ukraine killing innocent people and basically showing the world how bloodthirsty and cold-hearted he is.

My heart breaks for the Ukrainian people. But it also is breaking for the world. I don’t believe that Putin will stop there and I foresee our lives and the lives of our fellow man getting worse.
