My Favorite Christmas Music!

In this day and age, my modern favorite Christmas Carol is Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmas Time”. It just fills me with joy and I always stop and sing along.

After that, I go for some beautiful classic tunes, such as “Carol of the Bells”. This one makes me think of my dear friend Candy, who I lost nearly three years ago now. But this song fills me with peace and joy.

Silent Night is a classic and one I learned to sing very early on. It is still one of my favorites.

And probably the one I like the very most is this, “The Holly and the Ivy”. Candy and I once sang this with our choir.

What Carols make you feel all Christmassy this time of the year?


The Weekend Wrap ~ December 20th

P1160020 (3)The weekend seemed to rush by. I was busy with a few things, as I prepare for my trip in 10 days to get Heidi. I am actually a little under the weather myself with a kidney problem.

I started packing up my suitcase for the trip, and I also have a lightweight duffle bag with Heidi’s soft carrier inside and a few other things in it. It’s pretty much packed and ready to roll.

I cannot believe that it is almost time to go and get her. Right from day one, I knew that Heidi would fit in perfectly with us. People have asked how I knew? Well, I’m not sure. But it is the same way I knew that Anneliese and Arnie were meant to be with us.

The only dog I ever wondered about was Lili. She was quite ill when we got her, with Celiac disease. It took us nearly 4 months to get that diagnosed. Now she is sweet and kind and happy, and feels good! It’s amazing what the right food will do.

And for those who may have missed this, Lili also saved me during a daytime break-in back in January of 2019. If not for her growling, barking, and throwing herself against the door, I am sure the thief would have come in. But a German Shepherd, with a full set of teeth and a growl unlike I had ever heard, was enough to scare him off!

Lili also fiercely guarded my three dackels, Greta, Anneliese, and Arnie. Now she will have a new baby, Heidi!

On Saturday night and into Sunday we had 8 inches of snow fall on us! This found me going outside early in the morning to climb the ladder, to brush the snow off the satellite dish! It’s actually not hard to do. The ladder is a solid one and I have a great snow brush that reaches and clears the dish.

I hope you all had a great weekend and no matter what the weather was, I hope you could enjoy this last weekend before Christmas!


Happy 4th of July

Happy4thToday is Independence Day for my country. Many will celebrate with cook-outs, parties, and fireworks. I always enjoyed the 4th growing up because we would sit at the beach in Falmouth, Massachusetts, and watch the fireworks between us and Martha’s Vineyard.

One year when I was a young mother I was showing the girls how to hold a sparkler so that they didn’t get burnt. Well, guess what? Yup, I ended up with a burnt hand and a visit to the Emergency Room.

So, I have always had a healthy respect for fireworks, and quite honestly, I leave it to the pros.

Flash forward to last night. In years past our neighbors have shot off a few fireworks and although it shook up Lili, it wasn’t too bad. But last night was horrible.

Our neighbors were shooting off high-quality explosive fireworks. You know, the ones that shoot far into the sky and then blossom out in various colors.

Explosion after explosion found Lili near panic as she raced around the house, trying to find a safe place. I sat with her, but each explosion found her jumping away. After about 45 minutes Jack got up to see where the fireworks were coming from and unfortunately, they were coming from a house one street over and one house up. And worst than it being so close and upsetting Lili, the sparks were coming down in our yard. Thank God for rain, as we had had moderate rain all day long and the grass was still wet.

Jack opened the siders to see how far into our yard the sparks were landing. That’s when the unthinkable happened!

4th-of-july-pet-safety-minA panic-stricken Lili slipped by Jack and ran out the door! I pushed Jack aside and began hollering for Lili. I yelled for two reasons. I desperately wanted her to come back inside for her own safety, and I wanted my neighbor to understand that things had reached a dangerous level.

So, there I was running up the driveway in my nightgown and slippers. I was calling for my girl, and just as I was going into my garage to get the car, I saw my beautiful girl running down the driveway toward me. I quickly got her in the garage and closed the door.

Jack was on the phone with the Police. In this one instance when Jack was saying to me that this had to stop, a voice from the other yard say “F-off”! Not what anyone should say to deescalate a bad situation. In fact, I react badly when someone says that to me.

The Police arrived and we explained that the sparks from the fireworks were coming into our yard, which made us quite nervous, (Think propane tank close to where the fireworks were landing!) as well as poor Lili.

The Police Officer said that he did not believe that our neighbor had a permit for these high explosive fireworks and that he would go over and talk to them.

I sat up with both Jack and Lili (and by this time Arnie was freaking out) until I felt sure that the fireworks were over for the night, then went off to bed.

I am sure I will be looked upon as being the bad neighbor, but honestly, this time I feel completely justified for my actions.

Please remember that not only do some dogs fear the noise and sounds of fireworks, but combat Veterans with PTSD find them horrific, as they bring the war right back to them.

In most cases, it is best to leave fireworks to the professionals. They have them in places away from people’s homes and animals.

The Men In My Life

Here are the five men, who shaped my life. In their own ways, they were my father or a father figure to me. They have all passed from this life to the next, but their memory and the love they gave me, lives on in my heart

My Dad. He was an amazingly talented musician and he passed along his love of music to me. Dad was devoted to our community. He played the organ at both the Congregational Church and the Catholic Church in North Falmouth.


He was the Music Director at Highfield Theater for many years. He also was a summer police officer in our town. And when we went to local parks for cook-outs, Dad was the burger-meister! He has been gone a long time now, but I still think of him often and miss his wry sense of humor.

My Uncle George. He was the father who taught me everything growing up. How to swim, how to dive, how to bowl, how to hike, how to play cards, and how to love unconditionally.


When I was about 7 years old I cut my toe badly at the beach and he carried me all the way home! And helped drive me to the doctor’s office for stitches. He was not a loud man, but in his quiet loving way, I just knew that I was one of his special kids. In fact, when Jack and I married, Uncle George walked me down the aisle. I miss this sweet, loving, wonderful man!

My Uncle Bob. He was fun to be with. But, he required that I act like a mini adult too. That was fine. I adored him and just wanted to spend time, quiet time, with him.

uncle bob

I did a lot of things with him and his wife, Auntie Cynthia. I remember being on his boat, or when they took me to their home in Quincy and to museums. And I recall my Uncle once got a monkey. Cute, but it didn’t last for long.

My Papa Fred. Another quiet man, who was quite old when I lived with him and Grandma. But he showed me something important.


What real love between a man and woman was all about. I would watch Papa and Grandma sitting on their sofa watching Lawrence Welk. Papa would hold Grandma’s feet in his lap and stroke them gently. He simply adored Grandma and had all of his life. When she died, he no longer had the will to live and passed eight months later.

My Papa Sam, my Dad’s Dad. I didn’t know him as well, but I remember him taking me to the Prudential Building in the summer to listen to the Barbershop Quartets sing.


I remember sitting on his lap and listening to him sing along. He had such a beautiful voice.


These 5 men helped to shape the woman I grew up to become. Each special in their own way, and now, each greatly missed.

Happy Father’s Day! I remember you all with love and many memories that make me smile!


Mother’s Day

I’m often torn about how to celebrate Mother’s Day. Many of the happiest times in my life revolved around being a mother to my two girls.


Yet, for thirty-six years there is a part of me that grieves on Mother’s Day for the daughter I lost.


But, God is good! He sent two beautiful children to my older daughter, Mandy and the three of them just rock my world. I feel like I am the luckiest!

BeFunky-collage 2 (2)

Life is funny you know. I thought that my life was over thirty-six years ago, and now I feel like I am on the grandest trip of all, along with Mandy and her family!

I see the world in a whole new way. Through the eyes of my grandchildren.

Although my love will never end for Katie, and I shall never forget her or the way she was when she was alive and in our lives, I have been able to move forward and live again myself.

20201224_193637So on this Mother’s Day, I celebrate my own motherhood, but more than this, I celebrate my daughter’s Mother’s Day.

Mandy is a wonderful, caring, and gentle mother. She listens to her kids and adores them and I admire her so very much!

So, Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers. Be you biological, adoptive, or step. Mothers and their love come in all shapes and sizes.


The Friday Five ~ January 1st, 2021


Well, here we are. A New Year! I recall last year thinking that 2020 would be all sweetness and light, and WOW, was I wrong! So good riddance to 2020 and Welcome 2021! Please be kind, gentle, and full of health for us all!

So as I sit here on the very last day of 2020, here are my thoughts on the last year and my wishes for the year ahead!

  1. My New Year’s Resolution in 2020 was to eat healthfully and lose weight. I did this. 2020 saw me lose 60 pounds and several clothing sizes.
    I still have more to lose and so I will start a new New Year’s Resolution once again, get back on the weight loss journey and work the WW Program.
    I think 2021 will be the year I finally will reach my goal! I will admit that I “enjoyed the Christmas Season” like crazy with all the sugary delights (It was delicious!), but now it is time to go on the sugar-free wagon and get down to business!
  2. 2020 was the year I had to face the fact that the “twins”, Arnie & Anneliese are frail and coming to the end of their time on earth. Anneliese more so than Arnie, although in June we nearly lost Arnie to Leptospirosis.
    Arnie was vaccinated for this disease, but occasionally the vaccines will fail and such was the case with Arnie. I noticed he was not well immediately upon getting out of bed. I took him out, and my little man couldn’t even lift his leg to wee. I came in, took his temperature and it was over 104.
    It was on a weekend, so I called the Emergency Vet, and off we went! He was examined, and at first, they didn’t know what was wrong. Then the on-call Vet decided to give him a “Snap” test for Lepto and sure enough, that was it.
    He stayed there overnight and into the next day while they loaded him up with the antibiotics and then he came home where I tended to him for a good six weeks during his recovery.
    With Anneliese, she has one UTI after another. Her kidneys are also not doing well, and I think she is probably close to making her last, long, ride to our Veterinarian. At 14 we are not going to take any extraordinary measures to prolong her life if it doesn’t get her a good quality of life.
    It’s been a wonderful journey with these two siblings from Greta’s first litter. But this part, the end part of their lives is the hardest part to deal with.
  3. The Covid-19 Virus changed everything in our lives. At first, we knew very little about this virus, and so we went to extreme measures. Jack stayed home, I would wear clothes, I could take off and wash in the basement when I came in from going to get groceries. I also wore a mask, gloves, and washed and washed.
    From March until June, I was so nervous, I clenched my jaw. In fact, I clenched it so much that I could barely eat a salad. This virus got the best of almost all of us. So much unknown. So much fear!
    I took over going to the Recycling Center, I took the car to get gas. If something required someone to go out into the world and do it, I did it and Jack stayed home.
    I was fortunate that Mandy and Matt and the kids were also isolated at home and so during the year I was able to get down a few times to see the kids.
    However, I miss seeing people smile. I miss hugs and handshakes. I miss just being able to pick up and go shopping when and where I want!
  4. I had surgery this year to remove three tumors from my face. The surgery went well, and the nicest part was that I was awake for the entire procedure.
    However, my insurance company is challenging the charges as they say it was cosmetic surgery which they do not cover! Ah, no!
    Not cosmetic at all. Quite necessary as the tumors were quite large and painful! I have appealed their decision and if they refuse to pay, I will hire a lawyer. It is not right that a medically necessary surgery should be denied like this.
  5. My hope for 2021 is that we will all have good health. I know it will be a while until we can return to not wearing a mask in public, and to be able to go shopping where you’d like without fear or worry.
    I will take the vaccine when I am offered. I have taken Flu shots for over 30 years and I am hopeful the Covid-19 Shot will become a safely used vaccine to prevent the craziness that has engulfed the World in 2020.
    Many people I know do not want to try this vaccine, as it is so new. But looking back in time I think of the Polio Vaccine, the Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine, and all the others that made it possible for me to grow to the age of 62 without becoming sick from very serious, yet preventable illnesses.
    I will take this Vaccine for you. Maybe if I do, you will feel safe to take it as well. We all need to do something to end this terrible Pandemic.

So, my dear ones, may 2021 be a year filled with great happiness, a return to good health, and for the World to be filled with Joy!

Happy New Year, Dear Readers!


Christmas Happenings 2020

This year, after a year of isolating and being cut off from so many of my friends and family, I prayed for one thing. I just wanted to spend Christmas Even and morning with my two grandchildren.


Well, I was blessed because I got to be with grandchildren on Christmas Eve, make cookies, play and visit and share, and then wake up on Christmas Morning and see their wide eyes as they surveyed all that Santa had brought to their home!


Stockings were opened and enjoyed! My former husband made us all breakfast and the friendship between us, his wonderful life partner, Rachel, and I made the entire event feel like life in this crazy world, we were all family! Bob’s son was also with us and his daughter was there via Zoom!


Family. Blended and working. I am ever so grateful for this!

After breakfast, we began the herculean task of opening Christmas gifts! So much fun and so much shared happiness and joy!


Then I called Jack at home to say Merry Christmas and he told me that there was something wrong with Arnie. He wasn’t eating, or drinking, and it seemed his skin infection had returned.

Try as I might to not let this concern me too much, I was overcome and I said my goodbyes quickly, packed what I could in my car, and in almost record-breaking time I was home!

I grabbed my doggy thermometer and Arnie was feverish. He also wasn’t moving much, although I got a little tail wag with happiness upon my arrival.

I called the Emergency Clinic, which is just down the street, and brought Arnie right in. Because of Covid, I had to wait in the car, while they took him in.

Yes, bad fever and infection are on his back. (skin) He was also dehydrated and needed an IV and antibiotics. We decided he needed to be admitted for the night at least.


The next morning I went to pick him up, and although he is better, he is hardly well. I’ve been sitting with him, also doing laundry and feeding him, and making sure he is drinking.



So, Christmas was full of blessings and a lot of love and in the end, it seemed I was right where I was supposed to be when I was supposed to be there.
