I think somewhere along the Pennsylvania Turnpike I became old. It was around then that I realized that I was really tired. You know, the kind of tired that makes you want to get into your softest pajamas, curl up in your bed, with your own blankets and pillows and stay there for say, a week!
Despite the exhaustion I did get up this morning, showered and then hit the road to go to my Weight Watchers meeting.
Was I an Angel during my trip? Ah, no. I did try, however, to eat at least two meals on the plan and then choose carefully what I would eat for dinner.
Of course the Mexican Restaurant Madness wasn’t exactly my finest moment. Re-fried beans, cheeses of all kinds and tortilla chips just jumped down my throat and all I could do to save myself was to swallow!
The next night I had a salad, and the following night sliced meats and salads. On Saturday Hubby and I went to Dan Dierdorf’s Restaurant and while Hubby had Prime Rib, I had ELK! Yes, ELK! I like game, and I’d never tried ELK before and if Sarah can eat it, then so can I! Actually, in the end, the ELK was stuffed with boursin cheese and then served with a Madeira sauce. What a delight.
The banquet meal consisted of rubber chicken (they also had a beef tenderloin that I hear was excellent!), scalloped potatoes and cheese cake. I can proudly admit to sending my cheese cake back after a few bites.
But I just knew I was going to gain ten pounds, and burn in hell for my eating habits during the trip.
**A note here, I ate breakfast in our room and had Weight Watchers yogurt and a Weight Watchers breakfast bar, and lunch was almost always a salad or point friendly sandwich.**
This morning I was rewarded with a 1.2 pound weight loss! Could it be all the walking I did? Was I really more in control than I thought? I am not sure, but I do know that somehow I turned my first big trip away from my safe kitchen into a positive experience!
So now I need to catch my breath and rest up a bit. In a week and a half we take Anneliese to Pennsylvania for her time at the German Dog Show. Hopefully she will do as well as her mother and brother.
Pennsylvania Turnpike, here I come!
(If anyone in the Reading/Hamburg, PA area is interested in attending the show and meeting Miss Anneliese, who will be signing autographs, please e-mail me and I will send you the directions. The show is on September 27th at 10 o’clock in the morning.)