Spring In My Yard

My Blog friend Andrew, gave me an idea. He put photos up on his blog showing various blossoming trees. I thought, my goodness how blessed I am to have this beauty all around me.

I took a few new ones, as things are just starting to blossom, and got some older pictures of the Apple Trees and Lilacs as it’s not quite their time yet.

These are all my own pictures, so enjoy them, but if you use them please ask and give me credit.

April 21 12 011Peach Blossom.

April 24 10 038Peach Blossom with Bee.


flowersApple Blossom

April 30 12 004Apple Blossom

May 15 039Apple Blossom with Bee.

May 15 a011Apple Blossom.

May 25 11 014Lilacs

IMG_0952 (2)Lilacs



IMG_1438Plum Blossom.


I hope you enjoyed a little walk through my yard on this fine Spring Day. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and will also have a splendid week ahead!



I was walking the dogs tonight, as I now normally do because of the bears and coyotes when I hear the most wonderful, welcoming sound! The call of our Loons! They’re back and they are calling to each other. I just love the call of the Loon. They are beautiful birds. The Loons or divers are a group of aquatic birds found in many parts of North America and northern Eurasia.

I found this on Youtube. It shows the beautiful Loons as well as allowing you to hear them.

The rest of our day was as they have all been since this all began. A little computer fun work, meal preparation, and TV watching.

My next foray out to the shops, etc will be on Monday. I am making up a good list and I hope I can get it all at one time.


When It’s -8 Fahrenheit

It is cold. -8 Fahrenheit! I poked my nose out from under my comforter and groaned. Sub-zero weather has never been a favorite of mine.

I sat up and yawned and immediately wanted to dive back under the covers. Mr. Arnie had commando crawled under the covers, and Miss Anneliese was under my robe at the foot of the bed. Not a day fit for man or beast!

I grabbed my robe, my to the dismay of Anneliese, and padded out to the kitchen to turn on the coffee, meeting up with a happy Lili. You know, I have never owned a dog quite like Lili. Every morning she greets me with an abundance of happiness and joy, as she dances around the kitchen! I swear I can see her smile.

The dackels and I show a lot less enthusiasm, as we would much rather be in bed. Yes, in my previous life I think I was a dackel.

Due to the extremely cold weather, I think I will stay in and work to finish an afghan I’ve been making. I have only the border left to do.

I got some great news yesterday. My cousin and his wife are due for their first child in August! I am so very happy for them both!


Happy Weekend!

Lights Out

Just before I was starting dinner on Friday night our lights began to flicker. We looked at each other and thought, “Uh-oh!”

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Mr. Arnie braves the icy storm.

Our weather on Friday was quite simply, sloppy. It started with ice and then skipped over to rain and then back to ice pellets and because we had not had enough fun, it started to snow and the wind blew and then flicker, flicker, and the lights went out.

2020-02-07_08-48-59The ice was thick and on everything. Probably this is the reason we lost our power!

My cell phone was nearby and I used that to get over to the candle, which I lit and then used that to get the large flashlight.

It was then that Jack and I jumped into action! Jack took the flashlight and went down to set up the generator. When we built our home we had the generator hard wired in. So, off he went.

Meanwhile, I got three long extension cords so we could plug the TV, satellite dish, and cable box in. The next extension cord went from the kitchen down the long hall to the office where I plugged the computer, router, and wifi in. Thus giving us internet access.

Lastly, I plugged the two laptops into the third extension cord. Now we have everything basically working.

Of course, we also have the two fridges and freezer going.

P2060010 (2)My Downy Woodpecker trying to get some food in the storm.


And it keeps on snowing, sleeting and icing!


Monday found us waking to about 6 plus inches of snow, with pellets of ice shooting down. Unbeknownst to be, we had icefall in the night leaving a layer of snow, a layer of ice and then more snow on top and then more ice.

I had nowhere to go on Monday, so we waited for our plow guy to come. He arrived just before noon and I sat in the window watching him plow through this slop.

I am always impressed by how these guys can move their blades around for a really good close plow. (Very much like a man shaves.)

Then it happened. As the plowman pushed the sloppy mess forward in the yard, he got stuck. He tried rocking it, but the wheels would not grip. Oh, I had so much sympathy for him, as I had done something similar when Jack and I were first married. He still mentions it.

His boss (brother) arrived and after finishing our drive, he got out his chain and pulled his brother out. The drove off.

But here we are on Monday night and it is still snow/sleeting out! I’m rather worried as I have a doctor’s appointment some 60 miles away. And unless we are totally snowed in, we will go tomorrow. It’s my annual skin cancer screening.

Oh, I do hope the precipitation stops.

New Moon

220983b10316ed43f3713d6f2619088f--vintage-christmas-cards-victorian-christmasI woke up this morning and as I opened the door for the dogs to go outside, there was the most beautiful new moon! Ah, what beauty is around us, if only we take the time to look!


I poured my coffee and then coughed and coughed, making me glad that I have a doctor’s appointment today. Although I am doing so much better, there are certain parts of this illness I cannot shake! The cough is one part for sure.

So, since I am still coughing a lot and don’t have a lot of stamina, Jack offered to drive me. I’ll report in tomorrow with Dr. M’s findings.

Meanwhile…Have a wonderful day, filled with holiday cheer!

Pretty Snow

On Tuesday we got more snow. Now all of the previously fallen snow had melted, so this frosting of 4+ inches is pretty, but also makes the roads slick.

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The good news here is that the long-range forecast shows no snow from now until well after Christmas. Perfect! A few years back we had gotten quite a bit of snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. God bless Jack who drove us handily down to Mandy and Matt’s house safely. There were many cars off the road that day, but slowly we soldiered on!

novogodnyaya_girlyanda_1920x1200So now I need to sit at the kitchen table and wrap the gifts I have. I just need a couple of boxes and I will be all set!

Tonight (Tuesday) I am feeling a little bit better. I wonder if this super antibiotic is working. I think I will know more in the morning.

I’m feeling a little hopeful tonight that I am finally on the road to recovery. My fingers are crossed!



Saturday is rained here as if it were Spring. Not even the dogs wanted to be out. The early morning it rained on top of the ice and there were many car accidents on the roads around us.

Our driveway, which is never good in the winter, was no exception. Our neighbor had difficulty getting out, so Jack and I opted to have him stay in.

I’m not going out at all right now. It’s just better for me to stay in and stay warm and stay away from anyone who might be sick. Fortunately,  Jack has stayed well, and so he can get groceries or mail.

So that’s what’s happening in New Hampshire! Happy Sunday everyone!

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

On Sunday I decided that since I have not had a fever in a week, it was probably safe for me to go out.

We were forecast to have 8-12 inches of snow starting on Sunday night and spreading out until Tuesday. So, I felt I should stock up on the essentials of bread, vegetables, and eggs, to make it through. I also picked up a carton of eggnog, as it is December and Eggnog is my favorite holiday drink!

I got into the Highlander and drove down to our local grocery store. I went early because I still do not want to see people because I am not convinced I am germ-free.

Oh, it felt so good to be out! I walked the isles and picked up the food we needed. However about halfway through the store, my legs began to feel like jelly!  Thank goodness for carriages that one can lean on!

I got the groceries out to the car and came home and put things away. Then I felt totally done in.

Jack and I watched a series of old Christmas movies on TMC and when it was time for dinner, I heated up a few things and we had dinner. Bedtime for me was 8 o’clock!

This morning, (Monday) we have about 3-4 inches of snow with more on the way.

20191201_174829That’s Arnie who helped me crochet yesterday. I imagine he will be helping me again today.

The birds have been at the feeders today getting snacks. It’s so wonderful to see them enjoying the suet, with a snowy background.

PB140005 (2)I really am starting to get into the Christmas spirit!

Happy Monday!

First Snow

Tuesday found us getting our first measurable snow. It was quite pretty and really left only about an inch on the ground.

20191112_160550It’s just that time of year and we are forecast to have really cold weather for the next few days. (Between 15 – 20 degrees F) This is crazy and far too early for mid-winter temperatures.

I was worried about my fine feathered friends, and I made sure their suet feeders were full. We had a few come in quickly and get a little suet and seed and fly off. But my Downy Woodpecker came by and really went to town on the seed.

PB110010 (3)He really enjoyed the suet and seed and stayed for quite a long while. Ah, my little friend!

Meanwhile, I worked on washing sheets and cooking meals and repairing my old afghan that I crocheted thirty years ago! Then I sat down to drink a little tea but got preoccupied with a thought about dinner. I’m making Lamb Chops tonight with German Bratkartoffeln (fried potato slices with onion and bacon) and red cabbage. I figured if I go to WW tomorrow to start the new plan, I might as well eat my “last supper”!

Well, off to WW I go. I hope that the new plans make sense to me and that I can find one that works for me.