1. On December 5, 1901, Walt Disney was born. Have you been to Disneyland or Disney World? Can you share a favorite Disney memory?
I went a long, long, time ago before all the extras were added. Although they did have Epcot. I’m actually going in January with my daughter’s family. I’m so excited to have this time with my grandchildren! I’m counting down the days.
2. The first roller coaster attraction at Walt Disney World was Space Mountain. Do you/did you like roller coasters?
I’ve been on Space Mountain, and I used to go on Roller Coasters. I no longer do, however. I do not like the feeling. But, if Quinn wants to ride on the Kiddie Coaster, I will go on that with him.
3. The very first fairy tale that Walt Disney made a cartoon about was Little Red Riding Hood. Did you enjoy fairy tales when you were a youngster or did they scare you? Did you have a favorite?
I’ve always loved Fairy Tales. No, they didn’t scare me at all, although Bambi made me cry. My favorite Fairy Tale? Snow White, Mary Poppins, Cinderella. I loved them all.
4. In Lady & the Tramp, Tramp’s real name was Butch! Do you have nicknames for your fur-babies and/or for your children?
I do have funny nicknames for all the dogs. Arnie is “Mr. Arnie Man“, also he is called, “The Man/Boy“. Anneliese (pronounced Ahna-Lee-Sah), has the nicknames “Lisa-Marie“, “Lisa“, and “Bibi-Ann“. Lili is simple and straightforward. “Lili-Beans“,” Miss Bean-a-reen-o“, “Miss Beans“.
5. I can’t let this day go by without respecting George H.W. Bush, as he lays in state in the Rotunda of our Capital today. He was our 41st President and only the second father to have a son follow him as President of the United States. President Bush loved his colorful socks. I bought Joe a pair of George H.W. Bush socks for Christmas one year. I know Myra has a pair… any other bloggers checking in today who have a pair of the Presidential socks in a drawer at home? How do you feel about colorful socks?
I’m so straight-laced that I don’t own anything too wild. Although in recent years I have started to actually wear Paisleys.
6. Please tell us something random about your week!
Well, I took down the tree, got all the lights off of it, which was tricky because 20 years ago when a tree was self-lit, they clamped the lights into the branches. I had to cut each and every one off! It took me forever! In the process, I discovered the second set of lights was also bad.
So, I hopped on over to Job Lots and bought two 100 light strings, and after lunch, I set about decorating the tree. I think it came out better than the first!