Life Goes On

Arnie is doing better although we still do not have all the blood work in.


So, this means we are in a wait and see act with the Pharmaceutical Company. I am sure they will try to get out of paying for Arnie’s care. Meanwhile, I wait to hear from the Emergency Veterinary Center, as they ran tests before he was given antibiotics.

(Update: Arnie’s bloodwork came back from the Emergency Clinic and he does indeed have Lepto!)

After speaking with my Vet today we’ve decided to keep Arnie and Anneliese on Doxycycline for another month. We want to be safe with them both.

Jack helped me carry my 6 bags of too-big clothes down to my car. There were three items I kept. I will put them away, but these three items were my favorites. They made me feel safe. Hidden.

One of these items is a sweater. A big old wrap around-sweater. I won’t wear it in public, but I will use it when I am feeling sick as a cuddle. Did you ever have a sweater or robe or sweatshirt that you wear when you don’t feel well and it is comforting? That is what this sweater is for me. I could not get rid of it.

Well, life goes on, doesn’t it? I think all one can do is the best that they can do.

Maribeth Dackel

The Latest on Anneliese and Arnie

The last few days have found me sort of running around trying to do my very best for Arnie.

Leptospirosis is a tough illness. I am hoping that since I caught it fairly early on, that Arnie will make a full recovery.


Anneliese seems somewhat better, which is a huge relief. She is finally happy with me again, as I finished washing and drying her little dog bed and all her blankies. She is eating well and seems more like herself.

If only Arnie was following her right along. This morning (Wednesday) he was still quiet and not drinking! Call me panicked!


I was wracking my brain on what I could give him that he would like. I called and checked in with my Vet, who reminded me that if Arnie became dehydrated he would need to go to Boston where they could isolate him. (Insert a long string of obscenities here)

I went off, with a car full of garbage to drop it off at the Recycling Center. Only, it was Wednesday and they were closed! Ugh!

I went over to the Grocery store to pick up a few things and I was walking down the soup aisle when I turned and saw Tuna Fish! Arnie loves tuna and he loves tuna juice! Four cans were quickly purchased.

I got back out to my car and upon getting in the smell from the garbage assaulted me! I mean, oh my, sweet mother of all that is holy! The stench!

I drove home with a plan. I would remove each trash container and rebag in supersize garbage bags. Then I set about cleaning the garbage cans.

All I can say right now is that I don’t get paid enough to do this kind of crap!

Arnie loved the tuna and tuna juice and he ate a good lunch and dinner. He is still very weak and all he wants to do is sleep. That’s okay. Right now, this is what he needs to be doing to get well. It is still very hard for me to see him this ill. He is my baby-boy and this just breaks my heart.

So now I need to bring the trash to the Recycling Center today and then get ready for the 4th of July craziness here in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.

Despite thunderstorms and heavy rain, the Tourists have all come and my town population is swelling to unheard-of levels. No one wants to fly, so people are taking “stay-cations” and we are a beautiful place to be.


Arnie is Home

On Monday morning at 7:30, I drove over to the Emergency Vet and picked up Arnie. He came out the door and looking around, and I said, “Hi Arnie!” and as soon as he heard my voice his head went up and his tail began to wag! I got him in the car and we drove home.

At 8:30 I called our regular Vets and they took over Arnie’s care. They had just vaccinated him for Leptospirosis in January of this year. Anneliese as well. Lili was vaccinated in May. So on paper, everything is current. But for some reason, Arnie’s vaccine seems to have failed.

My Vet is helping me deal with the Pharmaceutical Company, as they will cover much of Arnie’s treatment.

He also began with a good protocol and schedule for treatment. I had to go out to the office with Arnie and both the doctor and the technicians that work there were very concerned about this happening to our boy!

The other dogs were happy to see Arnie. I was surprised at how delighted Lili was. She was dancing around Arnie with her happiness.

Anneliese sniffed him a lot and her body language said so much. And of course, Jack and I are both thrilled to have him home.

I’m still washing everything I can in the house. My washing machine and dryer have been going non-stop, morning until night.


At least I know I will sleep better tonight. I will have my boy in bed with me and I can listen to his muffled breathing. Such peace.


Sick Dackels

I am contributing to the college funds of several Veterinarians’ children.

On Friday we had Anneliese in with her Urinary Tract Infection. Testing to be done, and medications. I brought her home and began nursing her back to health.

On Sunday, Arnie woke as usual, and just went downhill super fast. One minute he was okay, and the next he was staggering all over the place and couldn’t lift his leg to pee.

This was a dead giveaway that something was going on and it was serious. Ever since Arnie was about 6 weeks old, that boy has lifted his little leg to pee!

At 9:40 I was in the car with Arnie to race the one mile from my home to the Emergency Veterinarian. Arnie was shaking violently by then and throwing up.


At first, we thought it was a simple infection, but then the blood work came back and it showed he has Leptospirosis. (Despite the fact that he has been vaccinated!) It was decided that Arnie needed to stay overnight to get IV’s and Antibiotics.

He was so out of it, that he did not care about being in a cage. However, after some lovely IV Fluid, and antibiotics pumped into his veins, he started to come around.

I called the Vet’s several times to check on him and they told me that he was singing the song of his people! That’s my boy!

He will need a long course of antibiotics and rest when he gets home. This is a serious disease.

Meanwhile, I was washing everything when I came back home. Lepto is highly contagious to humans and other animals. So all my bedding was washed and dried, the floors were washed, the bathroom floors cleaned and tomorrow I will work on the mounds of laundry I now have. At least, my bed is made and sleepable!

So, that is the story of my sick dackels. It’s so hard emotionally to deal with all of this, but what can I do? I put one foot in front of the other and just keep going.


Bath Time!

Tuesday was a bright sunny, warm day! Perfect. I always wait until a nice day to give the dackels their baths. This way they can lie by the door in the sun and dry off, without getting chilled.

Anneliese was the first one. I carefully washed her up, taking extra caution around her eyes. The last thing she needed was to get soap in her eyes.


Arnie was next and he shivered all through the bath. But he was actually easier to do. I finished up in no time and now they both are sparkling clean and smell wonderful. Best of all, their coats are soft, and I was able to strip the undercoat after they dried.


I really wanted to get this done before Thursday when Arnie goes in for his dental cleaning.

Now both are clean, at least for a while.


Happy 13th Birthday, Anneliese and Arnie!

Thirteen years ago, in the early morning hours, Greta went into labor. I was so excited to welcome her first litter of puppies, and I sat with her as she began the long journey to motherhood.

A few hours later, Arnie, Anneliese and three of their sisters made their debut.

Dec 10 015This was the start of something neither Jack or I had ever experienced. Having two pups, brother and sister, from the moment of their birth, for their entire life.

It’s pretty amazing. Watching these two grow and emerge as two sweet, yet very different pups.

We knew we were keeping Anneliese. I loved the look of her and felt that she would carry on the Dackel Princess line, in her time. She had a great nose (scent wise), and such personality and spunk!

Feb. 3 Anneliese 008

Arnie, who is so sweet, loving and laid back. Here he is at a month old. A handsome boy then and now.


Arnie was actually sold to a woman from New York State. On the day she was due to pick him up, she called and canceled as her life was falling apart. She explained it all to me on the phone. I listened and gently told her she needed this dog. But she said no.

Arnie was 12 weeks old and I was really crazy about him. So was Jack and so was our young neighbor Emily. He was due to leave on that Saturday and by Monday morning we knew that Arnie was staying with us.

March 11 016

Here they are the first year of their life together. Best friends always.


Below is a short montage of their life together, with us. I feel so blessed to have had these two pups in my life every single day of their life. In many ways, although Greta was their biological Mom, I have been their forever Mom all these years. And now that Greta has passed away, her children help me to not miss her too much.

They both are one of my life’s greatest blessings. The years of faithful love and companionship are truly priceless.

TBT: Anneliese & Arnie

I have had these two since before they were born. Their Mama Greta was huge when she was delivered of 5 healthy puppies. And from the moment they all drew breath, I knew that my life was blessed. I just didn’t realize how much.

Here they are at about 7 weeks old. Side by side as they have been from the very start.

Jan. 20 Anneliese and ArnieAnneliese on the left and Arnie on the right.

And here they are now. Still best friends and still side by side. On December 10th they will be 13 years old!

Arnie & AnnelieseArnie on the left and Anneliese on the right.

What a blessing it has been to have these two sweet pups in my life. How special it has been to have enjoyed every moment of their lives since before they drew their first breath!

And how comforting it has been to have Greta’s babies with me after she left for Rainbow Bridge.

Yes, I am so lucky to have these two very special puppy friends.

A Memory – Arnie

This Post I wrote nine years ago today. I was telling Savi and Quinn the story and read them this post and we all laughed. So I decided to share it with you all again. I think I was a better writer back then, or perhaps I took more time. In any case, it’s inspired me to do better with my future posts! So, without further ado, here is a post about the amazing Arnie.


This morning Hubby had to go off to help a friend with some logging on his property. He packed a bag of snacks in case he got hungry, and called Fritz to his side, then with Arnie watching his every move, opened the door to go. Arnie slipped by him and raced down the stairs in hopeful anticipation, that he too, would be included in the outing!

“Arnie!” Hubby called to him. “You come back up here right now!”

Slowly, Arnie made his way back up the stairs and sat down next to my feet. Hubby reached down and patted him, but Arnie was not invited to go.

Fritz and Hubby left and Arnie raced into our bedroom, which overlooks the driveway. He jumped up onto the steamer chest that’s in front of the window and put his front paws on the air conditioner and watched!

Aug 27 001

He whined and cried as he watched them get into the Jeep.

Aug 27 003
Before they started to drive up the road.

Aug 27 004
Eventually, I got him to hop down and keep me company as I went about my chores around the house.

Two days ago, I wore my favorite pair of dangle earrings. They’re golden hearts, and I love the sheer simplicity of the workmanship. In fact, I love them so much that I bought my cousin Janet the same earrings in silver. She loves them too. At her father’s Memorial Service we both wore these earrings without knowing that the other would wear them.

Anyway, I was tired the night I took them off and I put them on the table between our two chairs in the family room and promptly forgot them when I went off to bed. The next day, I went to get them and there was only ONE earring!!!

Aug 27 009

I searched high, I searched low. I went through the garbage, I checked pockets of my clothes. I looked under books, under phones, and under the laptop computers. Nothing. I spent several hours looking, even eying the four dogs, wondering if they had swallowed it!

Today, resigned to the fact that the earring was gone I went back to the shop I got them at to see if they had the same pair. They didn’t but offered to try and find them for me.

I came home, feeling quite sad but, well it is only a thing and things can be replaced eventually and so I should not dwell.

The phone rang and I answered and while speaking to my neighbor, I looked down at Arnie, who was tucked under the table. He had his stuffed soccer ball under there and sticking out of the ball was something shiny!

I jumped down and grabbed the ball and there it was! My other earring!!!

There are a few theories as to what happened.

  1. Arnie found it when he was walking around and stuck it into his ball so it wouldn’t get lost.
  2. Arnie likes women’s jewelry!
  3. Arnie brought his soccer ball up into my chair when I was in bed and while toying with the ball, got it close enough to the earring to hook it into the ball.

In any event, I am thrilled to have my earrings reunited! They really are my favorite pair to wear when I want to dress up.

Aug 27 010

So Arnie can sleep wherever he wants tonight, and there will be a nice piece of steak in his food dish too!

Arnie, my hero!!!

All Better

On Friday both Arnie and Anneliese had to have surgeries. Both needed teeth cleaning, and both had Lipomas that needed removal. Anneliese especially, as she had two large ones on either side of her neck that were growing fast.

Both lost a few teeth, and both had their yearly shots while they were there. I read the bill.

Car 1

It was nicely itemized and I have to tell you it really was reasonable for all they did. I think if I’d been down in Connecticut where my sister lives, the bill would have been three times what I paid. In fact pet ownership there is only for the rich or people who enjoy going broke.

No, each and every item was reasonably priced, and I will not complain at all. I feel the pups get the best care there, and it is worth my 40-minute drive to their office.

I’m so grateful tonight that the work on them is done, both are doing well, (although Arnie is still a little sleepy from the anesthesia), and their incisions look good. Of course, they also look a little funny with various places shaved and then sewn up.


In 10 days I will bring them back to get their stitches removed. Until then, I will keep them comfortable and babied.

I am so grateful to my Veterinarians for the wonderful job they did and for being so kind to the two pups and to me as well.

When I left them this morning I was quite emotional. Arnie and Anneliese have been my life for the last 12 years. It was so hard to leave them, and so wonderful when I brought them home!

Happy 12th Birthday, Arnie & Anneliese

Twelve years ago, in the early morning hours, Greta went into labor. I was so excited to welcome her first litter of puppies, and I sat with her as she began the long journey to motherhood.

A few hours later, Arnie, Anneliese and three of their sisters made their debut.

Dec 10 015This was the start of something neither Jack or I had ever experienced. Having two pups, brother and sister, from the moment of their birth, for their entire life.

It’s pretty amazing. Watching these two grow and emerge as two sweet, yet very different pups.

We knew we were keeping Anneliese. I loved the look of her and felt that she would carry on the Dackel Princess line, in her time.

Feb. 3 Anneliese 008

Arnie, who is so sweet, loving and laid back. Here he is at a month old. A handsome boy then and now.


Arnie was actually sold to a woman from New York State. On the day she was due to pick him up, she called and canceled as her life was falling apart. She explained it all to me on the phone. I listened and gently told her she needed this dog. But she said no.

Arnie was 12 weeks old and I was really crazy about him. So was Jack and so was our young neighbor Emily. He was due to leave on that Saturday and by Monday morning we knew that Arnie was staying with us.

March 11 016

Here they are the first year of their life together. Best friends always.


Below is a short montage of their life together, with us. I feel so blessed to have had these two pups in my life every single day of their life. In many ways, although Greta was their biological Mom, I have been their forever Mom all these years.

They both are one of my life’s greatest blessings. The years of faithful love and companionship are truly priceless.