A Beautiful Day

Yesterday Jack and I had appointments at the VA. Nothing wildly important, just the usual.

The great part of that was that we got to go out for a ride on a beautiful sunny day! The sky was blue, the temperatures had warmed to the mid-fifties and there was no wind. I mean, it was just one of those glorious Spring days that we all live for during the bitter cold, winter months up here.

There was a lot of snow-melt in the yard and I think we are down to about a foot of icy snow. However, we do have a few places that have melted down to the bare ground!

When I was out with the dogs, I could see places where the wild turkeys had dropped ornamental apples that freeze on the trees during the winter but provide great food for them in both the Fall and the Spring.

I could also hear the songs of the returning birds from the South. As we live in a densely wooded area, we have quite the harmonious tunes of bird song.

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Spring Is On The Way!

Today was an interesting day for me. I woke to bright sunshine, no clouds in the sky and despite it remaining cool, this sparkling day reminded me that Spring is on its the way.


When I was outside with the dogs, I could hear birds singing, which means that some of them have returned from their winter in the South.

Oh yes, we still have snow in the yard. About a foot or so in most places, and yet 2-4 feet where the snow was pushed into snowbanks.

Our Lake is still frozen, but the news reported that Fish & Game wants all the Bob Houses off the lakes by this weekend. There are many places around the area, where they have had ice outs and open water.

But real Spring is right around the corner and I can hardly wait!

It’s Mud Season!

We have many seasons here in New Hampshire. We just entered another one. I guess you could call it Pre-Spring or Mud Season.


We still have two feet of snow in our yard, but there are places where melting snow and streams have caused the dreaded mud puddles!

And Miss Lili, all 80 pounds of fluffy whiteness, went out and rolled and frolicked in it today. She came back to the house after being out in the yard with Jack and she was COVERED!

What’s a doggy Mama to do?

Well, I went down to our basement where we have a hose and a floor drain in our garage, and I hosed down the dog! She dislikes this so much, but somehow today, she knew she had messed up and didn’t fuss too much. OMG!


When Will Winter End?

Monday dawned icy cold with snow flurries. Winter, yes! Am I tired of it? Yes. But so it goes.

I had nowhere to go on Monday, so I happily sipped my hot coffee, read my book and enjoyed sitting in my new chair.

Jack went out to test the driveway with the Highlander and while out he went and got the mail.

But the wind blew, the snow fell and outside it remained generally yucky!

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As I considered what to make for dinner tonight I ran through what we had for leftovers and came up with a meal plan. Leftover ribs for Jack and some roast beef for me. Easy peasy!



The Seasons

Monday was another day of snow here in New Hampshire. I was thinking about this, as I was grumbling about it and then I remembered that I really do love the four seasons, and yes, that includes the snow.


I took this of Anneliese this morning.

I guess that New Englanders like to complain. We complain about the cold and snow in the winter. We complain about the mud and rain in the Spring. You will find me complaining about the heat and humidity in the Summer, and let’s see…do I complain about the Autumn?

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I took this picture of our Lake Waukewan. It’s one of the best I’ve taken with my cell phone.

Actually, I don’t really complain about Autumn. I like Autumn. Cooler temperatures, clear, sunny skies, and the gorgeous leaves changing colors to all sorts of beautiful reds, gold, oranges, and corals. Yes, Autumn is perfect!

I often need to remind myself that I do like Spring when flowers bloom and grass turns green again. There is so much to celebrate about Springtime, but with a White German Shepherd who enjoys playing in the mud puddles, I admit to complaining a little too much about that.

And Summer? Well, folks, it is nice to run around wearing a lot less clothing and enjoying the longer days of sunlight. So a high temperature of 95+ should just be the price you pay, right? (Thank goodness for Air Conditioning!)

Well enough about the change of Seasons and the Weather. Let’s just say I love all four Seasons, or at least having them, and in some small way, I enjoy gabbing about it too!


More Snow!

I woke on Wednesday to snow. It was forecast and expected, but really, it’s February and I am so over winter. Especially this year! That darn Rodent, Punxatawney Phil said we’d have an early Spring. I’m holing him to it, or a trip to Pennsylvania is in order!

Our plowman arrived before sunup and began clearing the drive. The only problem here is that there is no place for the snow now. We literally have too much!


Lili went out and even she has seen enough snow. She stood there looking at the wet stuff, wondering what happened. Yesterday things had finally gotten to the point of being dry and clear.

20190213_095225Anneliese went out, only to discover that it started to snow again. She made it through the snow in order to find a place to do her business, and then waded back to the house!

20190213_100117Jack went out to clean up the edges of things. He was out there for a while. And the drive and doggy run area were clear when he finished.

20190213_153033Dinner was easy and now we are digesting before dessert. Strawberry Shortcakes! Yum! We’re both tired and I think an early bedtime is coming for us tonight!



A few days ago I was in Florida, with Palm Trees and green grass. Oh yes, and one heck of a tropical rainstorm! It was a welcome back sort of weather time for me, as I lived just over the bridge from Candy’s sister, Mary.

Now I am home. There is nearly four feet of snow in my back yard, paths for the dachshunds and Lili to use, and temperatures that start below zero almost every day.

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Welcome home indeed!

But it is good to be home. After driving that crazy Chevy rental car, (a terrible piece of trash) I am driving my nice sturdy Highlander.  The roads are not congested, (although snow covered in spots) and my life has returned to the same quiet pace that I  thrive in.

I cooked my first meal at home last night. A lovely rotisserie chicken, roasted potatoes, and a Greek salad. Quite good and I know Jack was thrilled.

Super Bowl Sunday finds me making Chicken Stew and salads for dinner. Nice warm food for yet another cold day.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Snow & Power Outages!

From our local TV Station:

“MEREDITH, N.H. —Power is being restored to tens of thousands of New Hampshire customers after heavy, wet snow and freezing rain fell Wednesday morning.

Several inches (10+) of dense snow fell in the Lakes Region, weighing down trees and branches, and bringing down power lines, resulting in nearly 20,000 outages.”

Here is a map of my little area in New Hampshire. The Red Arrow is pointing to my neighborhood, where no one has power!

They released a statement saying if there was no power by 10 PM tonight then we wouldn’t be restored until Thursday! ***Groan***

Thursday I am supposed to bring the dackels in to get their stitches out. Please keep the roads clear and get my power back on!

As it was on Wednesday morning I went out to climb a ladder to clear our satellite dish, and when doing this got a face full of snow!

However, I cleared the snow, plugged the TV and dish into the generator, and maintained contact with the world!

This is the worst snow/power outage we have had since moving here 20 years ago. Jack insisted back then on buying the generator, and I told him it was a waste of money. Well, today I have thanked him again and again!


At midnight I woke when the flashing yellow lights came through my window. It was the New Hampshire Electric Co-Op Linemen! I swear I could hear Glenn Campbell singing:

” I am a lineman for the county
And I drive the main road
Searchin’ in the sun for another overload
I hear you singin’ in the wire,
I can hear you through the whine
And the Wichita lineman is still on the line

I know I need a small vacation
But it don’t look like rain
And if it snows that stretch down south won’t ever stand the strain
And I need you more than want you,
And I want you for all time
And the Wichita lineman is still on the line
And I need you more than want you,
And I want you for all time
And the Wichita lineman is still on the line”
I love you Linemen. After nearly sixteen hours, the lights came back on! And I heard silence once again. I love our generator, but man, oh man, is it loud!



The Beauty Of The Seasons

As I was driving around today I was struck by the beauty that I don’t always see. Freshly fallen snow on the tops of mountains,  Canadian Geese as the lake edge, feeding, as they prepare to head south for the long winter. Christmas lights are going up, and decorations as well. It was just so pretty!

I went to the grocery store today and found lovely steaks, pork chops and chicken for the next few days, and I purchased some Atkins shakes for a snack during the day. They are loaded with protein and low in carbs.

I brought out our little Christmas tree and decorated it for the season. It’s now in the back window and looks rather festive. I also put up a few decorations.


I used to decorate like crazy, but now with leaping Lili, I don’t dare. We’ll be down at Mandy’s for Christmas, so it is fine to have a little tree for the two of us.

I pulled out my Christmas Cards, and set them up on the kitchen table. Starting tomorrow I will be writing them out. If anyone wants to exchange cards, privately email me your address. My email is in the top right corner of the blog.

I’ve now made it through two days, and tonight it is not so bad. If I can just keep the momentum up I know I can do this!
