Thirteen Things I Really Love
I am just including on this list the things I love.( I could never in my life list all the people and animals that I love, as it would use up all my bandwidth for the next lifetime!)
1. Dark Chocolate. I know, I know, I know. I should put thoughts of this truly delectable evil stuff out of my mind and try to start day dreaming about carrots and celery, but I just can’t do it!
2. Flowers. Don’t ask me to grow them, I have a black thumb. However, I love them. The smell, the way they look, and the way I feel when I get them.
3. The feeling I get inside just before I see people I love again after being apart for a while.
4. When I get a card from someone for no reason. Just because they’re thinking of me.
5. A really good meal. Like the one we had on our anniversary. (You will note here that several of my great loves involve food! Which is why I am always on a diet!)
6. Pajamas! Soft cottony, warm, comfortable pajamas, and the time to spend relaxing in them!
7. Taking a jacuzzi! I love to lie in the hot water, with my eyes closed, thinking about nothing.
8. Watching fruit grow on our trees. I get the biggest kick out of watching the flowers bloom, and then the fruit develop right there on the tree. Then picking the fruit and making things like jam, sauces and canning the fruit. I can also add, eating the canned fruit in the winter. That has been a big thrill.
9. Watching my pups play. In my life watching these beautiful, selfless creatures romp and play has brought such happiness into my life.
10. Seeing something particularly beautiful that is only found in nature. Like the glacier I saw in Alaska, or the volcano in Guatemala, or the Old Man of the Mountain here in New Hampshire, before it fell from the mountains, or going mushroom hunting in Bavaria!
11. When something I do turns out well and makes someone happy. I am such a klutz and often I try things and they go so wrong. How happy I am when I try something and everything goes well.
12. Making a surprise and actually pulling it off. I love to give people wonderful surprises. I like the thrill of doing it and making someone feel special.
13. All the days I have been given in this lifetime. How blessed I am to have had all this time, with all these wonderful people and animals! Yes, all these days, make me very happy!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Janet
2. Elle
3. Shelli
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