Goodbye Cherry…

I could feel it yesterday in my shorts. I could feel it in the tub when I took my bath. I weighed in and found an extra 3 pounds this morning! And I have Cherry Garcia to thank.
I can still feel his sweet kiss on my lips and the way his mere presence soothed my burning soul. He kept me wanting more and more until…
So today I say goodbye to Cherry for a while. The surest way I know to stay on my diet and lose this weight is to tell Hubby, (and I have). He will watch me like a hawk and thus keep me on the straight and narrow.
We leave in a few moments to go to the park. We’re doing the long hike today a 2 mile one. I’m taking the camera too, so I can hopefully get some shots of the doggies in the water.

2 thoughts on “Goodbye Cherry…”

  1. lol I gained 3 pounds over the weekend, too, but I knew it was going to happen…12 hours in the car’ll do that to you!

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