Saturday Soundings

I’m proud to announce that I have lost four pounds this week! I had gained three after my surgery, (too much Cherry Garcia comfort food!) and everything started to feel tight. So, back to Phase One.
We had one heck of a storm here last night. 46 mile an hour winds that blew up out of no where, and 1.2 inches or rain in 20 minutes. Thunder, lightening, and a blown satellite LNB! (The repair man is on his way as I write)

I’m thrilled with today’s cool, crisp weather. I would be happy if it was like this every day!!!
My friend, Gail comes up in just a few days!!! I am so excited!!! I can’t even remember the last time we got together, but I know it was a long time ago.
I read about 10 paged of HBP last night before my eyes crossed. I hope that tonight I can get a little more reading in before my eyes do their cute little double vision thing!
Time to get myself out the door and down the street for my little walk.

2 thoughts on “Saturday Soundings”

  1. OOHHH…some rain, please…a few storms, anything to drop the temps…Actually, just drop the damn humidity…..Glad you have the cool weather though…

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