Tuesday and Todays Happiness Challenge

I am 20 pages from finishing Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince. So what am I doing here writing to all of you instead of in the familyroom reading? Well, you see, once I finsih the book, it’s over, and I will have to wait another year or two until we get the last story in this tale of our hero, Harry.

My Happiness Challenge for today is my eye doctor’s visit. As I told you all before, I know that the debris is pretty much gone from my eye. Today I got to share the news with the man responsible for my recovery. Four and a half years ago another eye doctor removed a cataract and messed up my eye. My current doctor has repaired it all and although it has taken three years, he never gave up. So I am happy and grateful for the vision I have and the end of surgeries.

We met up with friends today before my appointment. They have a Bichon Frise’ and of course we brought our doggies with us. It was fun. We had a picnic with tuna, egg, and chicken salads. I even splurged and had some chips. Something I don’t often do.
Hubby also had an appointment with his Cardiologist who was a bit concerned with his heart problem. He needs another stress test done. I get all worried when this happens, (It’s happened before) because I simply cannot imagine life without Hubby. Yes, there are days he makes me crazy, but what would I do without my muse?
Well, I’m going to get my pajamas on, settle in, and read the last pages of HP & THBP. If you hear me weeping, you will know I finished the book!

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