2 1/2 lb. beef, cut in 2-inch squares
12 cherry tomatoes
12 mushrooms
12 sm. onions
2 green peppers, cut in 1-inch squares


1/3 c. soy sauce
3/4 c. salad oil
1/8 c. Worcestershire
1 tbsp. dry mustard
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. parsley
1 1/2 tsp. ground pepper
1 crushed garlic clove
1/4 c. lemon juice

MARINADE: Blend all ingredients together in blender for 1/2 minute. Pour in jar with tight lid. Refrigerate. Use as directed.

SHISH KABOBS: Marinate beef squares in marinade for several hours or a couple of days. (the longer the better) To prepare kabobs, arrange meat and vegetables on skewers, brush with marinade and broil over hot coals 15 minutes or until cooked. Turn skewers and brush with marinade during the cooking process. I used my rotisserie grill and cooked for 24 minutes.

4 thoughts on “GRILLED SHISH KABOBS”

  1. I had lobster at 3pm but reading about all of this food is making me hungry all over again.:)

    BTW, thanks for your comments on my writing woes…it means a lot!

  2. sounds yummy! we had kabobs for dinner on Sunday night but used already prepared marinade. we’ll have to give yours a try sometime…

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