Friday Afternoon

I had thought that things would be fairly easy. All that really needed to be done today was to get Fritz to the Vets for his yearly shots. I did get that done, and got him weighed in 75.5 pounds. (My, he is such a small shepherd) However, I noticed that Shubi had a yucky eye and so I arranged to bring her in too. She was 21.1 pounds, (Greta came with us for the ride and was 18.9 pounds) and Shubi has a hairline scratch on her cornea. But probably the most troubling is that they discovered a heart murmur. Now if this little dog hasn’t had enough problems in the last few years, now they have found this.
So, I’m feeling a little depressed about it.
I think Hubby is too. He came back and went into his office. He is pretty quiet.
By the way. The Vet. says Fritz is fantastic. That and Greta’s continued good health made my day a little brighter.

One thought on “Friday Afternoon”

  1. Oh, Poor Shubi! What is there to do for that? What problem is that for her? Is it caused from her other problems or medications? Give her a pat for me.

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