Just Breathe

I woke up on Friday morning to pleasantly cool, and slightly breezy, sunshine. I opened my windows and sat down with Anneliese in our chair. The wind danced across our faces, and I could feel it in my hair, and then I thought of a song I heard yesterday and the refrain kept playing through my mind,

Cause you can’t jump the track, we’re like cars on a cable
And life’s like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl.
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe… just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe

from the song “Breathe” by Anna Nalick

(You can go HERE to listen to the entire song)

I love the quiet like this. I can hear the Loons as they call to each other on the lake. No one seems to be awake, and there are no cars along the road near my home. It seems to be a time I can just shut out the noises of all the world and enjoy the peace.

3 thoughts on “Just Breathe”

  1. Unfortunately I am not allowed to listen to the song because my country hasn’t payed the royalties, imagine ! That’s what I read. What a nice way to start the day !
    Apparently I brought good weather home, because ever since the sun is shining and it is nice and warm !

  2. If I lived on that lake, I would have NO problem finding peace and some breathing space! I’m glad you are enjoying it… I would hate for it to be wasted on someone who never noticed…

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