The Magical Puppy!

We have a magical puppy! Her name is Lili. It started out innocently enough, but after the first week we knew it was true. Lili is magical!

You see back then a morning or two would pass and Lili would be out of her crate in the morning. I easily blamed Hubby for this but then I started to find that this was no normal 11 week old puppy.

We can put her in a crate and in less than 5 minutes she has popped the lock! After seeing her do this, we decided that we would close her into the mud room, and just forget about closing the crate door.

June 04 14 011

She likes that. She sleeps better, the whining has stopped and in the morning she actually will sleep in until almost eight o’clock!

She is still having a touigh time with the dackels, but she’s come so far and starts school soon. I can hardly wait!

2 thoughts on “The Magical Puppy!”

  1. She is going to be one very smart dog! I bet she is going to do well in Doggy school! Love YOU, Mel

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