Dayton, Ohio. I never thought much about this place, but there is so much here. So much history. From Wilbur and Orville Wright, to The Packard Automobile, to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, and home to the Air Force Aviation Museum. And all of that, is just the start!
Al Capone’s Packard. His last car.I think you could stay for a week or two and never see everything here. We did go off with our friends Jim and Geraldine, to see a few more things today, but we quite simply ran out of time.
Orville and Wilber Wright.
So, we stopped at a little Pub Restaurant and had lunch and then returned to the hotel to make our plans for the return trip to New Hampshire, and prepare for tonight’s banquet.
We had the annual membership meeting and Memorial service this morning. I teared up a lot. Several of the men who passed this year were men I have known for a long time. Sad to see them go.
However, our organization gives out scholarships to the grandchildren of our members. It was wonderful to see the youth being enriched by all that these heroic pilots have done.
Here is a funny story. At lunch today our waitress was trying to entice us to have bread pudding. Alas, if we had not had such a big and wonderful lunch, we might have indulged, but no….So she asked if we might like to take some home. I said no, because home, was a long, long, way.
She asked where? I told her New Hampshire. A moment passed and then a man came over. “Is that your Cadillac outside?” he asked. “Why yes.” I answered.
“It’s a 2004 Sedan DeVille, right?” he said.
“Yes.” I answered.
“I have a twin to your car! Right down to the color!”
The only difference is that his car had over 200,000 miles and ours just went over the 100,000 mile mark.
I know, small world!
Now it’s time to finish packing and go home.
This trip went really fast.
So Happy you have had a great time! Love YOU, Mel