‘Tis The Season…

The interesting part of Thanksgiving in America is that, the day after everyone eats like crazy for one holiday, they start planning the next one.

I always thought I was immune from this until today. My cousin Janet came up, Emily came over and we all went to a wonderful Christmas fair, out to lunch and then on to the Outlet Mall where we literally hit every store, searching for gifts.

I was rather productive with my shopping, finding gifts for my daughter and one for my friend. I also found some new pants and a shirt for myself. Janet got a few things, but the best buy was a cute pair of jeans that Emily got for ten bucks!

However, the fact that I was standing in incredibly long lines, simply boggled my mind. At one point in the Jockey store I wanted to buy myself some new bloomers, but the lines were 5 deep and simply not moving. I can wait another month or so for new knickers, so I put the packages back and left the store.

Most people were in a good mood for shopping. People laughed and smiled and were polite. All, but the one woman who wanted to steal the parking place we had been patiently waiting for. She made certain hand gestures that proved she was simply not a lady!

Tonight I sit here, exhausted but happily so. I’ve pulled my Christmas boxes down from the attic, and tomorrow I may just start finding places to put out a Santa Claus doll or two!

6 thoughts on “‘Tis The Season…”

  1. That’s my plan today. Pull out the Christmas stuff. I may put off the tree and just do some decorations for now….or not…I may do the whole shebang…Of course my dog needs to wake the heck up

  2. Oh, thanks for remembering me! now I don’t have to type all my credentials in order to leave a message , great!!

    It is a very extended celebration in Spain since the kids get their presents from the 3 Kings on Jan 6th!
    Happy sunday 🙂

  3. Today I found that conditioner I was looking at in the store with that cute tattooed guy…I got it for 20% off and as I bought it in Nashua, no tax! Woohoo! I’ll let you know if it’s as good as the Pureology conditioner!

    I had so much fun with you and Emily and thanks again for dinner!!

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