Getting Ready

I decided to attend a Weight Watchers meeting on Monday, as I will not be around on Wednesday to go to my usual meeting. Even though it wasn’t a full week, I’d lost 1/2 a pound. I was glad that I’d attended. So far, since I joined Weight Watchers back in January, I haven’t missed one meeting!

After that Hubby and I drove to the big city and picked up our maps and guide books for the trip. We also popped into LL Bean, my favorite back woods clothiers. We actually found a few things, jeans for Hubby, a couple of new turtlenecks for me and a laptop sleeve to protect my new laptop.

We had lunch, and headed back home, where I made my Fiber One Muffins to take on the trip, and then made stuffed peppers with peppers from my very own plant!

Our doggy/house sitter came over for dinner and we chatted about life, the dogs and our trip. The dogs were so happy to see her that I really think they won’t be missing us too much.

Tuesday will be my “finish things up here, do laundry, and pack the car day” for me and Hubby. Our big plan is to have it all set to go Tuesday night and then we will just get up early Wednesday, get in the car and go!

9 thoughts on “Getting Ready”

  1. Oh the joys of travels…

    My travel plans are now in the ‘lurch’… We were planning on going to Santiago for a Turf Conference next July, but that is now OUT for US… L still wants me to go though…

    Have a great trip!!

  2. Whee, a road trip! I loved those, in the days before kids and “Are we there yet?” at the end of the driveway. Have a great time.

  3. Good ! another half pound lost ! How many km/miles do you have to drive until Missouri ? I love to make long rides in the car but with a lot of stops and not more than 500 to 600 km per day ! Then I need a hotel room and a good restaurant, lol ! When we were freshly married we went in one shot to Italy ! I would be dead today if I would do that !

  4. Happy Trails to you, until we meet Again!
    So happy you lost this week, in short time too!
    Make sure to call me now and then when you aren’t busy! Love YOU, Mel

  5. Congrats on the loss!!! Have a great trip, I’m looking forward to hearing how surprised people are when they see you! My second weigh in (and the first when I find out if I lost anything) is tonight…wish me luck!

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